Moab video clips!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Moab video clips!!


Pumpkin Pilot
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Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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Wayoutin, Aridzona
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'93 XL '20 ST

Here are a few more from Steel Bender

Please download these files and then save them to your hard drive. I would appreciate that since it will save a lot of bandwidth Dead Link Removed

Rick Horwitz
Ricks Explorer

[This message has been edited by Rick (edited 05-17-2000).]

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Those are great Rick! Why don't any of them have sound though?

Paul Gagnon
Calgary, Alberta
"No Brain, No Pain"
Dead Link Removed

Technically Velveeta isn't REALLY cheese... it's a cheese food...
The stuff that other cheeses eat... I guess.

Probably hard drive space... otherwise it would take up the whole screen and have excellent audio Dead Link Removed. Rick, we missed the split second it took for me to get over the first ledge, I was hoping to see if I got em in the air Dead Link Removed. Looked good though! Hey gofast, did you ever find out a way to make those videos into digital format? I wanna see me sliding off the trail Dead Link Removed.

Matt Adams
94 Explorer 4-door nick-named "Tippy"

Matt, I fixed your clip.

thanks Rick, looks great, I don't think thats where I broke my locker after watching that video... Can't wait to see everyone again in fall colors run 2000/truckhaven 2001 Dead Link Removed.

Matt Adams
94 Explorer 4-door nick-named "Tippy"

Well, I've only viewed on clip so far, but it was very good. Have a bad phone connection tonight, keep getting kicked off line. I rained like crazy earlier and I think the phone lines are wet. Got a bit of noise on the line at times.

I'll view a few more tomorrow after the connections dry out. Dead Link Removed

99 Sport 4x4
Auburn Rear & Gerald's old Shackles
265/75-R16 BFG AT's that weren't supposed to fit

I just added Steel Bender video to my first post.

Slow down, Rick. You're loading them faster than I can unload them. Dead Link Removed

99 Sport 4x4
Auburn Rear & Gerald's old Shackles
265/75-R16 BFG AT's that weren't supposed to fit

damn... I wish I was there to see all this action!!! it's soooo sweeet......

'92 XLT 4x4
4.0L EFI V6

Hi DaemoN,
TruckHaven is coming up in January, that leaves you 8 months to make plans and we could be taking pictures of you. Dead Link Removed Now wouldn't that be better to see yourself in those pictures? Dead Link Removed

Happy Wheelin'
Ray L.
97 XLT 4X4 4.0L SOHC
Dead Link Removed

Hey I don't want to wait that long. I'm going to order the two Colorado books that the author of our Moab book wrote, and figure out some neat adventures scoping out the Rockies for old ghost mining towns this summer or fall.

Hopw many of you CO guys are game for that? I will need trail buddies.

"Nerves of Steel; Brain of Chipmunk"
'99 Eddie Bauer 4x4 4.0L SOHC aka "The Jeepeater"
Dead Link Removed
"What the heck is he doing out here in that thing???"

LMAO :)....I wish, my stock explorer won't be worthy of a photo. Those rocks they go thru... I'd rather watch. Also, I'm in the military so I don't think I will have a chance in seeing the runs live. But it would be great if I can.... see the people here in person and their explorers. Where's truckhaven held anyways?

'92 XLT 4x4
4.0L EFI V6

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial ">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by -=DaemoN=-:
....I wish, my stock explorer won't be worthy of a photo. Those rocks they go thru... I'd rather watch.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Classic example of someone who hasn't tried it yet... DaemonN, trust us, your "boring stock Explorer not worthy of a photo" can do MUCH more than you would ever believe until you try it out. Stand down your opinion until you step up to test it. Come join us!!!

"Nerves of Steel; Brain of Chipmunk"
'99 Eddie Bauer 4x4 4.0L SOHC aka "The Jeepeater"
Dead Link Removed
"What the heck is he doing out here in that thing???"

DaemoN, Truckhaven is in Southern California. It's between San Diego and LA, but way out in the desert about an hour from Arizona.

Gerald, count me in. Why don't you start a thread for that in "Serious Explorations".

Rick Horwitz
Ricks Explorer

rick, these have inspired me (in part) to sell my 2wd explorer and get a 4x4 one and fix it up by this fall, and maybe then i could join you guys in all this fun. One more thing, I would love to download these and put them on a cd-r and show some of my friends just how good these explorers are and that it doesn't take $15,000 to make one off-road worthy, although sometimes I'm sure some of you have put that much, but to make it able to do well off-road, but anyways, you said for us to download, but I have no idea how to, could you please tell me? thanks, i love this stuff

DaemoN, point #99.... check out all the trheads and pictures on the Moab trip. There were plenty of bigdog Explorers, that's true; and you won't see any other '99 EBs set up like mine.

But look at all the other participants.

Tom Wilk has a mostly stock new model Sport with an Auburn rear diff that he has barely used. He was grinning ear-to-ear in Moab by the end of the day as he began to realize (through a trip to the Top of the World trail) what his Explorer might be capable of.

Ray Lobato has a basically stock new model XLT only equipped with 31" tires and a torsion twist lift to clear them (he's also testing some ARB leafs, etc, but those have no bearing on trail-worthiness). He's only got open differentials, for crying out loud.

Ray completed the "4 rated" Steelbender trail in the ultimate Mecca of fourwheeling at Moab with no body damage. If you have a Jeeper friend (that hasn't seen what our vehicles can do) and tell him that, he'll flat out call you a liar, and he'd be dead wrong in his opinion.

Hope to meet you soon off the road Dead Link Removed

"Nerves of Steel; Brain of Chipmunk"
'99 Eddie Bauer 4x4 4.0L SOHC aka "The Jeepeater"
Dead Link Removed
"What the heck is he doing out here in that thing???"

[This message has been edited by GJarrett (edited 05-17-2000).]

Gerald- I guess your right, I haven't taken my explorer off-roading yet and haven't seen it's capabilities. I'm still waiting for my ex-supervisor to come back from deployment and he's taking me to some trails. He's gotta BRONCO with a winch. So, in case I get stuck he's my savior. I can't wait.

'92 XLT 4x4
4.0L EFI V6

Geralds Right. I'm running 31's and open diffs, and only had to be strapped once on steel bender. I will send you an invitation to ecircles so you can see the pictures we took of Moab. One other thing. Since you have a pre95 Explorer, there are gobs of stuff to fix your truck up with, and alot cheaper too. Barry Minnis and Gerry & Sarah Mitchell had bone stock Explorers and they did a fine job on the trails we went with them on.

Happy Wheelin'
Ray L.
97 XLT 4X4 4.0L SOHC
Dead Link Removed

Daemon, Gerald and Ray are right on. I did very little to my truck to make it fairly trailworthy. Factory skid plates, the Auburn rear limited slip, and some larger tires were it. The vehicle surprised me. I am not very experienced in 4wd off-roading, but I didn't have much trouble with the trails I chose. I regret that I don't have any action photos from the Top of the World trail to show what stock Explorers can do.

Peter Weber's Explorer is totally stock, yet he negotiated some fairly knarly terrain as well. Four Wheel Drive trail in Arches National park has a couple of rough spots, yet Peter ran it without damage. He even had his step bars on his Explorer (I chose to remove them before I left home).

99 Sport 4x4
Auburn Rear & Gerald's old Shackles
265/75-R16 BFG AT's that weren't supposed to fit

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They are absolutely right. I neglected to mention Barry & his father, Gerry & Sarah, and Peter; all who had totally bone stock Explorers and did a fabulous job on the trails.
