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My Dad's Crown Vic

I can't seem to make the pic work you can see it on my x site in the rear view section

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i know a guy with 2 1995 caprice cop cars fro sale jim.
stall have all the cop **** on em. one was undercover other was highway patrol with all the lights and everything still on it

Originally posted by mattadams

That's hilarious, but posing as a cop (like mrboyle discussed) I believe is a felony.

In Canada, the only things that are illegal are having red or blue lights on a vehicle, "Police" markings or stripes, or a blue drivers door on a white car.(Our police cars used to be blue and white, not black and white) :)

Originally posted by rpenner54
I think they would be the ultimate sleeper cars.Get the one with the 4.6L V8 then get all the mods you can to it stick em on and you could very well get a fast car! It's the same engine they use in the Mustang so I betcha you could find a number of upgrades for it. Then take one out to the drag strip and surprise the hell out of everyone!
The Crown vic Police Interceptor model is a really fast car already. The cars are specially made with stiffer suspension, lighter, aluminium driveshafts, and other performance mods.

The interesting things a real police interceptor model has are inside it. The police like the trunk release in the center of the dash, as opposed to beside the drivers door pocket.

They also have cloth seats up front, and vinyl in the rear(for obvious reasons). That's why an ex-detective car is a better choice than a regular police car if you want a nice car instead of a fast one. The detective Crown Vics are usually not interceptors.

The other way to tell them apart is the little "Police Interceptor" sticker in the rear windows. If you are trying to buy one, look for that sticker, and if it is not there, the other interior details give it away.

**The Police Crown Victoria guru, yet I have never owned one ;)**

hey speaking of big fast cars that dont look too grandpa...have you guys seen the pics of the new Mercury merauder? it is kick a$$!!! i think it has a 5.4 in it too. i think you can still check it out on fords website.

Looks to me like your dad never found his "calling" in life. Lemme guess, he's fantasized about being a cop since he was 2....

Yeah vics may not look like old mans car, but a bunch of old men drive those and mercury marquis also

Originally posted by Ryan1
FYI, Be careful with that scanner. They are illeagal to have in a Car.


They sell scanners specifically for automobiles though and all the tow trucks around here have them. Is it a state law?

I am going to take over my moms crown vic when i find myself a job if i have to commute because it gets double the gas millage that my explorer does. I like that push bar in the front i never thought about getting one of those. I dont want people to speed around me either so that should help. I hate it when i am doing 80 on the highway and someone blows right by me.

I hate to bust the bubble but police interceptors are not all that fast. I work at the local police deptartment and have driven a few of them. They are faster than civilian versions but trust me they are not fast. Now if you want a fast vehicle, some of our state troopers have BMW Z3's and porsches. I haven't driven one yet but I have riden in one. Damn they are fast. Also some of the newer camaros can haul ass that the dept. has. Only traffic guys get these. I was talking with one who had just finished a chase. They were after a guy on a ricer bike who was doing 157 in a 45, long story short, the camaro caught up with him.

I always thought it be really cool to have an undercover-cop looking Vic. But the problem with that is that everyone would think you're an undercover cop, and no one would speed around you. So whenever you got on the highway you'd be stuck in a pocket of cars doing the speed limit around you.

It's not that bad. Nobody passes you so they all get stuck behind you.

hey guys just wanted to let you all know my dads friend is a cop for the local PD here in town(Robstown,TX..Near Corpus Christi TX)and i've gone on a ride along with him we/he got called out on a call when i was with him and we were in the town near by and had to haul butt over back to robstown and he turned on all the lights n sirens etc..we were hitting about 110 easy then he was telling me the story about how they were chasing a car one time from town all the way to corpus christi and that his cruiser hit about 145! and the other cars trans melted..anyway its just to let you guys know how powerful the cars already are without being moded has a v8 supercharged engine in it..and i myself am working on making my ford explorer into a "sleeper" truck its going to have all the cop lights in the headlights/tail lights/grill etc..except for the light bar ontop cause that would be illegal anyway my dads friends getting me the hookup on all that since i gave em a laptop i had..good trade/deal no? ;) anyway my truck already looks like a cop truck and i bought them cheap 20 dollar strobes from autozone ran some wires from the back(tail lights) to the front lighter plug in my truck n i hid the strobes in the brake lights and now whenever i wanna pass a car i just go up along side turn on the strobes n pass em i did that today and the car i got infront of totally disapeared from sight lol anyways if u guys want pics of my truck email me and i'll be happy to send u em


Looks nice. I used to have a 94. I loved that car. It had lots of room and was fun to drive. My dad has it now, because I needed a TRUCK.

I think that is a pretty cool car, but if I ever see your dad driving that thing around, I think I will punch him! I hate sneek cops and I hate sneek sneek cops more! Cool car for him, but it stinks for the rest of us! I am the type of guy who spots all white (or other color) malibus or crown vics from 2 miles away and slow down with my ebrake (no tail lights). Your dad would drive me nuts! What is worse is that there is a mustang, a superduty and a couple Grand Prixs cruising around the springs pulling people over. Now I am looking for little hidden lights in the rear window or grill! The new 25 MPH in all unmarked streets is a stupid stunt to raise some money. I thought speed limits were to keep the roads safe??

Anyway, I heard you can buy fake badges on the net too. Maybe he should check into it. Set a box of Krispy Cremes on the Dash and he has the look completely covered!

Clean ride.

I'd love to get a Vic, especially the new one that comes with front buckets and 17s. Clean. Now the Maurader, that's just a kick in the pants. My girlfriend gave me a bunch of crap about wanting one, until we went for a test drive. I lit it up on the onramp, as the salesman grabbed onto the armrest, and my girlfriend giggled in delight.

FYI, you can hit your breaks, that doesnt admit guilt, the cop has to get a good clock on you and every one else is goign to break when you hit yours, so you wont stand out.

oh and ill work on getting some pics of my dads car. my Bro is a cop and he got him some strobe packs and lights for when we go to fire calls. they are bright as hell but people still seem to be blind

i remember when i first meet one of my friends i was over at his house..we were getting in his truck im like dude which one of ur family drives the wanabe po-wagon lol..he said look closer...yep theres light..oh whats that another lite in the back

yep his dad is like a step down from police chief :( i felt like an ass lol

Originally posted by nospeed_!2
FYI, you can hit your breaks, that doesnt admit guilt, the cop has to get a good clock on you and every one else is goign to break when you hit yours, so you wont stand out.

it doesnt admit guilt but it does reaffirm the cops suspitions..if he wassent following u he will be after u hit ur breaks

i find cops dont like to be treated like idiots..but then again they dont like u to pass them its kind of screwed if u do screwed if u dont =)..i just let off the gas if i see a cop. i have also never ever had a ticket for speeding..they run my plates all the time though..piss's me off but meh what can i do

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Originally posted by ok89
They sell scanners specifically for automobiles though and all the tow trucks around here have them. Is it a state law?

The laws are different by state. Here in CA last I checked you can have a scanner and can listen in. What you aren't supposed to do is "act" on what you hear. IE you can't go to where the incident is happening and or get involved in any way.

