My rear bumper with swingout tire carrier | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My rear bumper with swingout tire carrier

Sorry to hear that the bumper got stress tested, but you know that's why we build them tough. Can you imagine what whould have happened to your SUV with out it! looks like you made it better than it was, nothin like a little R&D to work out the weak spots.;)

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Very nice, would you mind posting up some general specs on materials used so I can get a local fab shop to make something similar to my '93, I want to move my spare to put in an aux fuel cell where it is currently located.

Very nice, would you mind posting up some general specs on materials used so I can get a local fab shop to make something similar to my '93, I want to move my spare to put in an aux fuel cell where it is currently located.

2x6x3/16 tube
2x2x.120 tube
1/8" Treadplate/Diamondplate
1/4" plate
1"x4" bar for d-rings/shackles
receiver hitch stock
2"x? DOM tube for hinge

Added a gas can carrier, here is a recent picture from the Mojave Road. Gas can holder is modular, it bolts on with 2 u-bolts.


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Gracias for the info, I might have to check that thing out if I fnd myself crossing the western border any time soon

So...a couple of questions since I have 0 skill with a welder, #1 anyone found anyone who can make a bumper similar to this for us explorer guys and #2, if not or even if so, could i persuade you to build another one for my '93 sport since we don't live to far apart and if so how much would you charge for the work lol.

Brian, could I ask a huge favor?

I would like the measurement from the bumper mounting bolt centers to the inside of the 2x6 bumper please.

In other words I need the bracket length, and this is the best for me to work from.


where did you find the bolt and bearings that you used?

do you have the number of the bushing you used? or dimensions? I have some brass stock that i can have machined into the right size, i was just wondering what your dimensions were.

I dont know what the number was. It just depends on what you use for a sleeve and what size bolt you use. I used a 1.25" bolt and a 2" OD piece of DOM tube. I think the DOM was .25" wall so that makes it 1.5" ID and the bushing would have been 1.5 OD x 1.25" ID

Amazing dude! make a 3rd gen one?? lol

Added a gas can carrier, here is a recent picture from the Mojave Road. Gas can holder is modular, it bolts on with 2 u-bolts.

So the gas can carrier didn't last very long :mad: The Blitz carrier is made of thin gauge steel and after getting back from my most recent expedition I found the top half had a stress crack around 1 bolt and the other side already had torn apart around the bolt. The flimsy carrier just couldn't hold up to the weight of the full can and the vibrations from off-road use. It had 4 trips on it where it actually carried a full can.

Version 3.0 now uses the same modular mounting bracket but I just replaced the Blitz carrier with my own design cut out of 1/8" steel. This one will also fit my water can when I don't need to carry fuel.


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Why didn't you build the bracket taller, enclosing more of the can? (Like the expo style ones...)

Why didn't you build the bracket taller, enclosing more of the can? (Like the expo style ones...)

I didnt see the need to add the extra weight. It is 4" tall where the holes are and goes to 8" tall in back. I do like the Adventure Trailers mount but my Scepter water can and fuel cans have different dimensions and the steel strap mount they use wouldnt work for both of my cans.

you should repaint the cas can

just an idea, love the bumper

A+ work. What did the bumber/swing out parts cost? (hope its not in the thread, I haven't read it all yet :p)

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..I don't see it pictured but how are you holding the cans down? Bungee?
