Need information about 4406 transfer case | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need information about 4406 transfer case


Elite Explorer
February 6, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
No. Alabama USA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Blue Ex 4.0 SOHC
KAGG 3611 (CB)
I'm sure that this topic has been covered many times. I located a few what I believe to be 4406 transfer case.
here is one of the part numbers.
manual shift, ID XL34-7A195-AB $150-
I found another for $145- and another for $200-. Are these good prices?

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I paid 150 for a manual shift 1354 from a junkyard ten years ago. So your prices don’t seem out of line or anything.

Thanks @RangerX . I'm ready to start collecting parts for the gen 2 4wd/manual transfer case conversion. Just wanting to make sure that I am purchasing the correct parts.
The part in question is out of a F150 and I may can get the front shaft too. I have been meaning to ask @410Fortune about the transfer case. Thanks again.

4406 came behind the 4r70w used in f150 behind the 4.6 and 4.2 f150 engines
It also was used in some 5.4 trucks

$150 is a very good price

Junk yards are usually $60-150 for a complete t case with linkage and a core

I sell 4406 manual t cases for $600+ with the linkage to customers because they are a huge pita to pull at the junk yard, the f150 has a stupid crossmember that makes dropping them difficult, so when I get my hands on a good one with linkage it is worth a lot

The electric shift versions are more common then manual, electric shift versions found in f150 and expedition

Be careful there are also torque on demand versions you do not want (extra speed sensors, easy to spot) usually big sticker says “tod” also

Early versions had the vss in the tailhousing up to 1998 I believe

These cases were built up until 2004 or even later. Info online says last year was 04 model year, but ford made the 4.2 v6 until 2008 and I swear I have pulled 4406 from
06-08 trucks in the past

I also try to get the front and rear driveshafts from the same f150 to use in our conversions. The front and rear shafts often need shortening so getting them long for cores is a great way to save $$$

Be careful there are also torque on demand versions you do not want (extra speed sensors, easy to spot) usually big sticker says “tod” also
I'd like information on this variant of the 4406.

Okay, I have one outside
It’s electric shift versions of this case used in expeditions
Tod features just like our v6 cases

A stand alone tod controller can be created in fact years ago on this forum dudes were printing circuit
Boards at home to make a controller…. Very cool stuff. I had a hard time finding that thread recently however. I thought I had saves the info on my pc I will have to look.
I’m interested in making a “awd” v8 ranger

This has been discussed on ef a few times
I know some secrets however I know the 02-04 expeditions use a stand alone motorolla Box as the 4wd controller, I’m not sure if it does the awd functions… would be interesting to get the motorolla box from one of these awd models and it’s wiring pigtails, see if the box contains the needed wires for the awd. The gem module went away in 2002 (for the most part)

Okay, I have one outside
It’s electric shift versions of this case used in expeditions
Tod features just like our v6 cases

A stand alone tod controller can be created in fact years ago on this forum dudes were printing circuit
Boards at home to make a controller…. Very cool stuff. I had a hard time finding that thread recently however. I thought I had saves the info on my pc I will have to look.
I’m interested in making a “awd” v8 ranger
I'm wanting to swap a Dana super 60 in the front of the LCF and make it 4 wheel drive, with an awd option. Since it's a tilt cab I'd want something electric shifted. I've read a few of the threads on the controllers people have made.

Here apparently a working 4406 tod conversion I have not read whole thing yet


Last page caught my attention but the guy posted once and never returned.
