New garage at the Horwitz house | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New garage at the Horwitz house

Since I started working on my Dodge Dart about 4 years ago, the Pumpkin lost it's home and had been stored outside. For three years the Mustang was stored outside under a cover. Since the Dart has been finished, I moved the Mustang back into the garage, but we needed more room to store vehicles so I could work on new projects in the attached garage.

To fulfill our needs we're building a 30x40 garage in the backyard for storage only, not as a shop. We broke ground on the project today getting the pad cleared of all the oleanders, piles of rock, sand, etc. Now we're just waiting on the county for our permits. :thumbsup: Unfortunately, unlike Jeff, I won't be doing any of the construction on this garage as I'm woodworking challenged;) We hired a contractor for this project.

Here are the first shots.... Nothing much to see, but I guess that's the point at this stage:D

Because of the way we have the landscaping set up around the house, we won't even be able to see the garage from the back of the house looking straight back. That's perfect as it won't get in the way of our view.




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The problem is once you have a lift you want another one. I have a two post that is perfect for rangers Toyotas working on chassis and suspension and now I’m thinking a nice 4 post would be awesome for doing oil changes and drivetrain maintenance on the big trucks. Why stop there? A scissor lift outside for quick tire and wheel changed brake jobs! 3-4 lifts would be ideal hahahaha and please send $$
Up here in the north they must go inside we have a short wrenching season otherwise lol

Once you get a 4 post you may rethink your plan as to what you would use it for, especially if it has a rolling jack or two. No bending over to set the pads, and no possibility of an imbalance. I have one rolling jack and two of these:


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Only thing left to do is rehang the banners and photos.


Is that pex or an actual air line product? Just curious. I’m about to run copper at our in town shop for the air lines but man it’s $$$$
I’ve researched using pex, it won’t explode
Like pvc, but I’m still a little hesitant

Is that pex or an actual air line product? Just curious. I’m about to run copper at our in town shop for the air lines but man it’s $$$$
I’ve researched using pex, it won’t explode
Like pvc, but I’m still a little hesitant

It is 3/4" "Maxline". Aluminum tubing with a plastic sheath.

I've been telling people that the garage was built 7 years ago. I just checked the first post of this thread and it's more like 12 years ago.:eek:

@410Fortune 2 years ago, we used some 3/4" pex-al-pex for an airline to run 90 ft to supply the sandblast hut.
2 winters ago, at home, I used some yellow 1/2" pex-al-pex that is federally approved to use with natural gas and propane.
It was a fifth of what 1/2" copper cost. I will send you a sample of the 3/4" when I return a package to you.
Currently having trouble finding a link to it.

I’m running 120 psi to a tire machine from old 1949 Quincy 7hp compressor 3/4” pex should do it

@410Fortune I sent a link about the pipe to the newest pm thread.




Very nice!
Do you have enough outlets? Lol
Need a paper towel holder thingy

Very nice!
Do you have enough outlets? Lol
Need a paper towel holder thingy

Plenty of outlets:D The new workbench I put together yesterday has them under the front lip as well.

Paper towel holder is now on the rolling drawers next to the hand cleaner dispenser.

Rear brakes and tires for the Mach. This is the first new set of rear brakes. It's been through three sets of front brakes already. 2004 with 85,000 miles.




My dad is building his new "garage" and I'm trying to convince him to put in a lift. We'll see. It's costing way more than they expected. Not sure what he was expecting when he's building a 40x60 "garage" 🤦


My dad is building his new "garage" and I'm trying to convince him to put in a lift. We'll see. It's costing way more than they expected. Not sure what he was expecting when he's building a 40x60 "garage" 🤦

View attachment 452574

Can't imagine a shop like that without a lift. Looks great!

I'm jealous! I'm enclosing my carport into a small garage and I wish I could fit a lift into it. I'm looking at building something overhead since I don't have the floor space for posts. Nothing as nice as what I see in these pictures.

I'm jealous! I'm enclosing my carport into a small garage and I wish I could fit a lift into it. I'm looking at building something overhead since I don't have the floor space for posts. Nothing as nice as what I see in these pictures.

I have spent the majority of my life without lifts and AC. I'm just glad I can take advantage of the new tools before I'm too old. I've been in this house for 20 years and those years just flew by. In another 20 I'll be 82, if I'm lucky. :eek:

Portable lift options are a thing now, pillars you roll into the shop, pick up whatever and when done roll them back into storage

Once you have one lift then you want more! All types!
I have a relationship with vertical transportation, so that may explain it.

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