New Member - Have a 2020 Explorer Limited on Retail Order | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New Member - Have a 2020 Explorer Limited on Retail Order


August 29, 2019
Reaction score
City, State
Wallingford, CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer Limited
Hi -

Ordered a 2020 Explorer Limited in Star White three weeks ago (8/10/19). My dealer said he probably won't have the Vin# to give me for 5 or 6 weeks. I thought that was a little weird. Dealer also said typically a factory order takes 8 weeks, but i get the feeling i'll be waiting longer. What a pain. Had i known i would have just driven an hour away and purchased the same vehicle i ordered from a different dealer that has one in stock.

This will be my first ever ford. I currently own a 12 year old honda crv with 188k miles on it. Love that car - it's been so good to me, but i need something bigger to haul the babies around.

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Can you still cancel your order and buy from another dealer ?


Can you still cancel your order and buy from another dealer ?
I already paid a $1,000 deposit. And I am really happy with the deal I got. I put in a lot of effort of calling around and getting best price then negotiating down closer to invoice. I’m also worried about all the recalls. So I guess considering mines not close to being built yet, maybe it’s a good thing. Maybe they’ll work out the recalls and safety issues first. Last thing I want is to pick it up from the dealer and then have to bring it back in for recall service. I’m surprised at all the issues so far. Is this typical of ford?
