Oppose Solar Panels in our Desert.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Oppose Solar Panels in our Desert..


Moderator Emeritus
Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
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City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
...Put solar panels on the houses themselves...Don't take up the desert to do this..:rolleyes:

The environmentalist and the offroad community are sharing the same side on this one..

From one of the race teams:

Five existing rally training routes pass directly through the proposed Silurian project. These routes have been used every year since 2005 by those going to Dakar and other international rally raid events. The existing Ivanpah Solar facility just south of Primm blocked two other similar training routes. BLM Wilderness has closed many existing roads throughout that region. My latest training (and race) routes are in Arizona, Utah, and Sonora Mexico to get away from these issues, but it's sad to see so much desert being closed to motorized access.

The news release:


...The project calls for erecting thousands of photovoltaic panels that would generate a peak of 200 megawatts of electricity -- enough for more than 35,000 homes. The panels would be arranged in several arrays and connected by 44 miles of new roads.

Art Sasse, a spokesman for the developer, Iberdrola Renewables, said the location was chosen because of its ample sunshine and proximity to power lines. The company is the United States subsidiary of Iberdrola SA, which is based in the autonomous Basque region of northern Spain.

The project is one of many large-scale solar plants proposed in Southern California deserts. The Obama administration has approved six commercial-scale solar projects on public land in the deserts of Riverside and San Bernardino counties. Three already are operating. An additional eight are in the planning stages...

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..They can create 45 miles of new roads in the desert but have issues with offroad vehicle impact..:scratch:

The BLM asks that comments about the projects’ impacts on views, air quality, recreation, wildlife, cultural resources and any other issues be sent to: Katrina Symons, BLM Barstow Field Manager, 2601 Barstow Road, Barstow, CA 92311 or by email to Silurian_Valley_Solar@blm.gov.

..But wait there is more..Even though they are going to put in 8 more of these solar complex's, this just came out in the news..:popcorn:


Clouds slow $2.2B solar farm's output

The largest solar power plant of its type in the world — once promoted as a turning point in green energy — isn't producing nearly as much energy as anticipated.

...the complex is producing about half its expected annual output for 2014, according to calculations by the California Energy Commission.

It had been projected to produce its full capacity for 8 hours a day, on average.

“Factors such as clouds, jet contrails and weather have had a greater impact on the plant than the owners anticipated,” the agency wrote in a statement.

Land closures, enviros, the way BLM conducts themselves and makes decisions, etc... All a joke!!! I attended a land meeting with the BLM last week in regards to the deserts here in clark county and north in Nye and it's just a total joke. They want us to approve a plan that they haven't created the trail system for yet. Okay sure, let's just write that blank check and see what we end up with... Sounds like smart decision making to me!
