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Optima batteries junk now?

What is the CCA, Reserve capacity and Amp hour rating of a comparable Yellow top to a standard Explorer size battery? That's a group 65 I believe.

Optimajim probably won't be returning to this forum to reply, so I will do so instead, though the info is readily available on Optima's site:

Optima Red Top 34/78:

CCA: 800 (0*F)
CA: 1000 (32*F)
Reserve: 100 min
Rating: 50 A/h (C/20)
Warranty: 3 years free replacement
Price: $199.99 retail

Optima Yellow Top D34/78:

CCA: 750 (0*F)
CA: 870 (32*F)
Reserve: 120 min
Rating: 55 A/h(C/20)
Warranty: 3 years free replacement
Price: $239.99 retail

Compare these to a standard DieHard Gold group 65 (South):

CCA: 750 (0*F)
CA: --- (32*F)
Reserve: 125 min
Rating: 75 A/h (C/20)
Warranty: 3 years free replacement, 100 month prorated
Price: $124.99 retail

And then the DieHard Platinum P-2 Group 65:

CCA: 950 (0*F)
CA: 1070 (32*F)
Reserve: 135 min
Rating: 75 A/h (C/20)
Warranty: 4 year free replacement, 100 month prorated
Price $219.99 retail

And the DieHard Platinum Group 34 just for an apples-to-apples group size comparison:

CCA: 880 (0*F)
CA: 1050 (32*F)
Reserve: 135 min
Rating: 68 A/h (C/20)
Warranty: 4 year free replacement, 100 month prorated
Price: $219.99 retail

Going by this, you can already see the basic lead-acid battery is the better value in terms of output and warranty for the price. A quality top-end battery with a long warranty is probably all most people will ever need.

The benefit of the AGMs isn't just in the higher specs for the given size/weight, but also that they are rather rugged. There is even a video where they shot the DieHard Platinum apart, hooked it up, and it still started a vehicle. Hopefully that never happens, but it's nice to have a battery that might get you home even if you smash the front end and crack it open rather than have acid spill everywhere on top of being stranded. The higher specs are also nice for newer vehicles or off-road rigs with lots of electronics or lights.

In addition to the above, I buy 'em for the lack of corrosion. It's well worth the price premium for me to never have to worry about cleaning terminals ever again.

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Sorry, didn't really need the info. Just wanted Jim to give some real scientific facts instead of just Optima corporate marketing hype. I too run an AGM in my Explorer, primarily for the vibration resistance. Optima's unique cell geometry has many draw backs but only one verifyable benefit, good looks. They also claim superior vibration resistance but offer no independent studies to verify this. I personally chose a DieHard because of its easy nationwide replacement and I do get around, so that's important to me.

I also have extensive experience with deepcycle batteries. We dry camp alot with a trailer equipped with a large solar system/3k watt inverter/and 512 amp hours (plus 105ah) of batteries. I also run a home solar system that uses deepcycle batteries. I went with Concorde's Lifeline for the house and Interstate Deepcycle in the RV. There is also one 105ah AGM deep cycle Lifeline on the RV too. I wanted to point out the very low Amp Hour rating of the Optima's when it comes to deep cycle batteries. I was woundering why Rick chose them for his RV. I do actually run an AC off mine in the RV even though common knowledge says this is not possible. I was just curious if Rick knew something I did not. I am open to change if presented compelling factual info.

I apologize for the delay in responding guys, I've been on the road quite a bit lately. Joe, you can view the specifications of all of our YellowTop batteries here. (Thanks for posting Anime) Most of our YellowTops are considered direct-fit replacements in your vehicle, except for the Group 51 and 27 batteries.

Even if I were allowed to post internal test results, they are our own findings and would not be considered “solid unbiased scieentific research.” [sic] Regardless, folks who want to dismiss anything else I post would find a reason to dismiss those results as well. You are correct that cranking amps only need to meet or exceed the requirements of the engine. Beyond that, reserve capacity and the ability to be deep-cycled become important considerations, in addition to the others considerations already mentioned.

Jim McIlvaine
eCare Manager, OPTIMA Batteries, Inc.

Are the die hards platnums deep cycle?

They do make one but not all the platinum series batteries are deep cycle.

are deep cycle better than normal agm? i have a hifonics brutus thats making my needle jump up and down and I'm looking for a better battery so i can replace everything together with the big 3
