Overhead Console temp Problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Overhead Console temp Problem


June 12, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Springfield, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Explorer Sport
whats up i have a 96 XLT...the overhead console has a temp and compass display....the compass seems to be correct but the temp always reads OC....i'm pretty sure its not 0 degrees celsius cause i compared it to my mothers 98 sport....anyone know how to fic this problem??

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sorry i didn't mention that....i have done that it says OC on either mode of F or C

check the temp sensor

thanks for the reply i will try that but i have no clue where the temp sensor is can someone help me out please?

i know it is in front of the radiator i think twards the bottom

After reading tons of threads on here, it seems there are 2 types of temp senders. Here is a picture of mine from a 99 model. The other one looks a bit different, black and more flat. This one is brown. Yep, it should be attached to the front of your radiator support, 2 wires come out of it....on the drivers side.


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i replaced mine in my 96 not too long ago. here are pics of what it should look like. and yes, it's in fromt of the radiator held on with one of those little white plastic clips, at least on my 96, so it should be the same as yours:



as you can see you have to unplug it. part of the black casing will be left on the truck after you unplug it.

hi thanks for all the replies..but i have one more quick question....how easy is it to get to the sensor....do i have to make room by taking anything off?....also i just unplug it and buy and new one right?

Originally posted by Buckeye26T
hi thanks for all the replies..but i have one more quick question....how easy is it to get to the sensor....do i have to make room by taking anything off?....also i just unplug it and buy and new one right?

you don't have to take anything at all off. i found it easier to get underneath on my back and reach up to it. it it clipped into the black piece that stays on the truck and you have to use a screwdriver or something to sorta pry it off the other piece. once you do that it will be unplugged and all you have to do is get a new one.

thanks everyone for the replies...one more quick question on the subject....i just called up pep boys and they say they carry it for $20 with the part # WT3058....would this be the right one?...they weren't too helpful about it

Try the dealer and see how much they are. Also shoot Torrie an email torrie@fordpartsnetwork (I think) and see how much it costs. I don't like getting aftermarket stuff other than the t-stat.
