Pats system is going to drive me up a wall. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pats system is going to drive me up a wall.


New Member
March 28, 2015
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 mountaineer
long story short, I tried to jump the starter with a screwdriver in my 2001 mountaineer. Wife had key in ignition with the ignition in the OFF position. Truck now has the theft light blinking constantly. Won't even click the starter. So far I've tried

Disconnecting battery
Entering door code
Leaving key in ignition with it in the on position.
And serveral other combinations of these procedures

Door locks still work. Radio, windows are not functioning.

First post! And thanks in advance for any help!!

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Check for a blown fuse. Not sure which one.

Check the 50 amp ignition mega fuse in the battery distribution box next to the ABS pump motor.

I would check fuse #25 in the I/P box (next to driver's left knee). When mine was loose it created exactly the symptoms that the OP has described.
Check for a blown fuse. Not sure which one.

It was a red 50 amp in the box next to the power brake booster. Guess I should have been a little more through in the intial inspection! Thanks for the help!

Check the 50 amp ignition mega fuse in the battery distribution box next to the ABS pump motor.

It was a red 50 amp in the box next to the power brake booster. Guess I should have been a little more through in the intial inspection! Thanks for the help!

Bingo! We have a winner! I'm glad you found it, and thanks for reporting back.
