picked up a b2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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picked up a b2


November 5, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
west greenwich, rhode island
Year, Model & Trim Level
9o Bronco II
like the title say i pick up a 88 bronco 2 weeks ago for $250 . its got a 3 inch bl 4 inch suspension its got the a4ld and a dana 28 and the 7.5 . plans are to pull the bl and install the polly cab mounts i have cut the fenders and run 35s. im gonna swap a dana 35 and ex 8.8 with disc and 5.13s. the only problem i have with it is the preveouse owner rhino lined the whole thing so for the past 2 days ive been scrapping it off with a razor blade:banghead:
heres the only pic i have right now this is the first day home with it

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wow that body lift is awful. good call on the cutting the fenders and running 35's, you should be able to have a solid wheeler for not much dinero. You should think about extending the radius arms too. Ive got 2.5" or so inches of lift and run 35's comfortably, I cut the fenders front and rear out to the flare. here is the front fenders,


on the back since I cut so high im going to have to build some inner fenderwells. if you don't go quite so high you should be able to just fill in the gap and run it. good luck and obviously now im subscribed, so If I can be any help let me know.

i actually got a set of extended radius arms off a f150 i plan on modding once i get some more welding wire

Nice Price and Project , My Buddy Built a BII And Ended Up Scrapping it before i could get the lift off it , Wish i Could find deals like that around me !

i actually got a set of extended radius arms off a f150 i plan on modding once i get some more welding wire

are you going to do heims or stick with bushings?

not sure yet probally run bushings till i have the extra money

new pictures

i havent done to much but id figure i show how it currently looks ive got most of the bedliner off the drivers side quarter with a razor blade it not to bad cause the person who did it didnt prep it that well, plus i dont have to do the nose cause i have a ranger as a parts rig ive already pulled the nose off. plan with the fenders is to cut them and put them on when i swap in the poly bushings and pull the body lift.


got my spare fenders cut and the drivers side mounted i still need to trim the inner fender but i had to got to work. i also got a set of mustang buckets for free and threw them in but havn't got a pic yet. also may have a lead on a dana 44 and 9inch for a 100$ but i want to see what gears they have first.


Lmao thats exactly how mine were initially cut to run 31's and no lift

yeah i saw that in your build thread lol i actually scored a set of 36 inch tsls so it looks like the grinders coming out again

Good man, and on that note im going to the shop to work on my rig. You should throw those tsl's on and see how long the d28 lasts, just for fun

picked up a double cardan drive shaft and newer style trans cross member for free to replace my worn out drive shaft and low hanging cross member also grabed a pic of the mustang seats.
drive shaft and cross member

new seats

aren't you going to need a whole new tcase to use that driveshaft? or are you putting it on the back with a front 1354 yoke? seats look good, I used explorer seats but they are kinda ugly.

aren't you going to need a whole new tcase to use that driveshaft? or are you putting it on the back with a front 1354 yoke? seats look good, I used explorer seats but they are kinda ugly.

just swapping the yoke i have a manual fixed yoke 1350 swap in when i swap the 5 speed in im actually in the process of building a doubler out of a spare 1350 i have from my parts truck. also pick up a dana 35 for 15$ from a junkyard not to far from my house so im in the process of deciding what gears to use

ok well the 7.5 took a dump last night and the pinion bearing is toast so while trying to figure out what to do cause i dont really want to go solid and full width (i got a soft spot for the ttb) my gf said she'd buy me a 31 spline from the jy up the road as an early bday present so im gonna throw a d35 and disc 8.8 and run that set up with some 5.13s and lockers or welded diffs

guess my challenge to see how long those axles would last has been answered and met, lol, I figured it would have been the d28 that would go first though lol. with regards to the axle swap I would weld the rear up and run some kind of lunchbox in the front, I've seen a few jeeps with spools in the front and they were ridiculous, couldn't turn or they were always out unlocking hubs, plus they are always breaking hubs, stubs or short side shafts.

guess my challenge to see how long those axles would last has been answered and met, lol, I figured it would have been the d28 that would go first though lol. with regards to the axle swap I would weld the rear up and run some kind of lunchbox in the front, I've seen a few jeeps with spools in the front and they were ridiculous, couldn't turn or they were always out unlocking hubs, plus they are always breaking hubs, stubs or short side shafts.

funny thing is it was still on 33s. i figured id spool the rear and lunchbox the front and once i get sick of swapping dana 35 shafts im gonna swap in 1 ton gear but i dont see that happing for a few years id like to have a house with a garage before i start a project like that

funny thing is it was still on 33s. i figured id spool the rear and lunchbox the front and once i get sick of swapping dana 35 shafts im gonna swap in 1 ton gear but i dont see that happing for a few years id like to have a house with a garage before i start a project like that

good call, it should last at least a little while on a 8.8 and d35. and being locked front and rear is the shiz, I would just weld the back, its cheaper and I would be surprised if you broke the 8.8. of course the carrier is said to be pretty much the weakest thing on an 8.8
