Pictures of my previous Aerostars (94 Sport and 94 XL+). | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pictures of my previous Aerostars (94 Sport and 94 XL+).


Well-Known Member
December 3, 2012
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1996 Ford Aerostar XLT
Bored and thought you guys might like to see pics of my previous Aerostars.

First, my favorite, my 1994 XL Sport (this was before I put a set of 15" alloys on it).

This is my 1994 XL + that I had in Georgia. I owned it less than a month when a family issue forced me to sell it.

I added the Jeep wheels, gave it a very "manly" apperance, lol.



Yet another Aerostar member of the "200000 mile +" club:

I dont have any pics of my 1989 XL or my parents bought-new 1990 XL or I'd share those as well.

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No, other than they were 15". Like I said, I didn't have the van for long otherwise I might remember. I bought it on eBay and found those wheels on Craigslist for cheap. I know they needed spacers because the tires were taller than those on the 15" Jeep alloys I had on the '94 Sport.

That '94 Sport was a champ. I bought it for $200 with supposedly a bad transmission. I drove it for two years without 2nd gear and it never let me down. You just had to accelerate in 1st, let off a bit, let it shift to 3rd and then go on about your buisness. You couldn't floor it at lower speeds or it would try to downshift to 2nd which was not avalable so it would just rev up and not go. Then you had to back off and start over again, lol. I tought myself how to drive it in this manner and was able to go anywhere I wanted with it. I towed with it, hauled heavy cargo with it, used it in icey/snowy weather, etc. Never missed a beat.

Sadly, I lost it in a fire and it was sold to a scrapper. :( It was a Canadian model when new so it had kms on the dash. I swapped the gauge cluster to MPH with a junkyard unit because it was making a high pitched noise below 40 KPH and I got tired of reading my speed in KPH, lol. For this reason, I lost track of the exact mileage on it but I estimate it had over 250,000 miles when I was forced to get rid of it.

I'd considered those Jeep rims as replacements. I didn't want 14"ers since they don't make many tires that size anymore. I ended up getting a set of 15"ers off a 99 Explorer at pull A part, $8 each! They're steel rims, with a stainless face. I was able to get 2 new tires for the rear, but the fronts will have to wait until work picks up again! -Adam

Were there any issues after switching to 15" wheels (speedometer, odometer, cruise control, ABS brakes, transmission shift points, wheels rubbing against the wheel base, etc)?

I found a tire size calculator at And found that a 215 65 R15 was very close to the same size as a 215 70 R14, which was what my van came with. I wouldn't have thought the difference between a 65 and 70 series would be enough, but here we are! I think there were other cominations that were closer, but they weren't popular sizes. The 215 65 is apparently common enough that I could find an assortment of choices. I went with Falkens, mainly out of financial neccessity! I did think those Jeep tires are taller than stock Aerostar sizes. -Adam
