Poor Man’s RZR build | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Poor Man’s RZR build

I built a stout hotrod 47rh for it with a kit from Power Driven Diesel. They are way quicker with a built automatic. It is around 425 hp 1,000 ft-lbs. she's hard on tires...….but fun to drive.

When I started measuring the winch to build the bumper its massive size became a reality. I am glad that I was able to push it back 3" into the grille. I probably could have gone a bit further but didn't realize that the trans cooler was mostly out of the way on the driver's side. I like things symmetrical, this winch threw that out the window. lol. Now I can take my time and finish making all the little reinforcement plates and the skid plate. All of the parts were cut out on my cnc plasma table so I have the capability to make more of these...….

410fortune, you've not helped the V8 want. Buying my wife a 5.0 sploder made it even worse......I've been looking into the swap. bad influences here. lol.

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You have not because you ask not.
Thank you guys for getting me some swag.



I forgot I’d made this thread.
I have a few updates.
I installed the D44 outers on my D35 and built new adjustable coil buckets to hold ‘70s style coils. I’m running the JBG 5.5” super flex coils for a full size Bronco. iirc the rate is 330#/inch.
I used the NAPA blue boot ball joints. Those are quality looking pieces.
D44 outers are off of a ‘93 F150.
I got new Dutchman rear axles to correct the bolt pattern and I redrilled my drums.
Hopefully I’ll have it road ready for KOH 2020.




Well, we made it to King of the Hammers again. Everything seems to be working fine. When I left home on Monday it was snowing. We ran up Turkey Track last night when we got here. The views here are pretty awesome.




Well, we made it to King of the Hammers again. Everything seems to be working fine. When I left home on Monday it was snowing. We ran up Turkey Track last night when we got here. The views here are pretty awesome.






It's funny the folks here in nc ask why do you put up your wipers when it snows

I say habit lol.

It's one of those things you just don't stop doing once you start

I wish I could put the wipers up, the old 88 doesn't have that provision....so we put plastic water bottle under them instead
KOH!!! Nice.
Keep up the good work, a v8 drops right in! LMFAO

Awesome build
Thanks for posting!

Hammers does't feel crowded at all until its time to leave and we all make an exodus for the highway. That valley is huge.

The 4400 Unlimited class had some good racing this year, it was good watching from the jumbo-tron @ backdoor. We were able to see most of the details of the race and see first hand the drama down backdoor.

I want to add an electric fan to cool my power steering and transmission while I'm crawling. The large coolers made a big difference, but it seems like it still gets heat soaked. I was thinking 2 small fans as pullers behind the coolers in front of the radiator/condenser. I want to switch it manually as I don't always need the additional cooling and I want to keep the mechanical fan for its simplicity for daily duty.

The 6hp DB electric winch motor is really fast. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

Trying some 37s on 17” AREs. The wheels are the same offset as my 15s are, but these tires are way wider. The rears rub on the tubs.

Just read this thread all the way through - - man, great work. . . Wish list for me is the D44 outers on the TTB. Like.
Trying some 37s on 17” AREs.
Well, that's one way to upgrade to the V-8. . .

It’s still got ok power w the 37s. I’m not sure I want to keep them on it. They feel heavy.
The 5.0 swap is in the works for this Spring hopefully. Gathering parts and info on it. 410fortune has been lots of help so far. I have a donor sploder.


we did a 197 mile loop today. More than half of it was dirt. We got to Lowman just in time to have lunch at The Sourdough with a good friend.


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Well, the plastic mount for my winters shifter gave up. So I built a replacement that included the winch switches and cup holders. The increased height and the 20° mount angle feels way more natural than the low flat mount did. I sanded it for the finish I wanted and clear coated it. The clear still let’s it patina just a little but keeps it from rusting completely.








Well, I finally got tired of all my junk mixing around in the rear of this thing. Here is the start for my platform to cover the spare tire and a rack setup to hold my tool boxes, strap, winch stuff, extra fluids, shovel, jacks, etc.
I’m building it with the intent that I could build a cage onto it later.


Here’s how it ties into the factory body mount.

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strong enough for a cage
but built for cargo


Nice work, I love the console very much
