Post pictures of your roof racks/awning | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Post pictures of your roof racks/awning


January 6, 2011
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City, State
Bay area
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 2wd
Looking for ideas.

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heres mine its yakima crossbars with the basket awning traction boards loght bar (slid down in this photo) and fishing rods 😂 its anpretty basic setup, want to add more stuff on later, but all in good time. @BKennedy iirc made his own as did @gmainpaint maybe?


heres mine its yakima crossbars with the basket awning traction boards loght bar (slid down in this photo) and fishing rods 😂 its anpretty basic setup, want to add more stuff on later, but all in good time. @BKennedy iirc made his own as did @gmainpaint maybe?

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Yeah I'm looking for one strong enough so I can get the iron Man 6.5 ft awning enclosure

Yeah I'm looking for one strong enough so I can get the iron Man 6.5 ft awning enclosure
mine is pretty strong it was a universal one on amazon its more than enougj for my awning

Yeah I'm looking for one strong enough so I can get the iron Man 6.5 ft awning enclosure
what did you end up going with for a mounting setup? i want the same exact awning lol. i was thinking about building a custom roof rack, but it's just so expensive and the 2nd gen crossbars are too curved imo to securely mount stuff. i know it comes with L brackets and I just want to drill holes in them - but don't want to because it'll probably be a flat surface (L bracket) against the curved edge of the crossbar.

Could you bend the "L" brackets to fit the curve of the crossbars and add another bolt or screw or two into the crossbar?

This is what I ordered for crossbars, not cheap but not expensive when you consider the cost of prebuilt racks and crossbars: 1" x 2" OD Aluminum Oval

I have also found metal recyclers that sale used stuff. I used one extensively for projects and recycling, check around for one and you will find some inexpensive materials.

Could you bend the "L" brackets to fit the curve of the crossbars and add another bolt or screw or two into the crossbar?

This is what I ordered for crossbars, not cheap but not expensive when you consider the cost of prebuilt racks and crossbars: 1" x 2" OD Aluminum Oval

I have also found metal recyclers that sale used stuff. I used one extensively for projects and recycling, check around for one and you will find some inexpensive materials.
no, i think the ones that come with the ironman awning are pretty thick and might be steel. how did you mount the crossbars? i found some T bolts online that I was going to use to mount a piece of aluminum and then mount crossbars on top of that, and then mount the awning

I mounted them with the metric bolts that fit the existing nuts that are in the stock roof tracks.

I mounted them with the metric bolts that fit the existing nuts that are in the stock roof tracks.

These guys? They're like rope tie downs or something. Or do you mean the bolts that hold in the tracks themselves?

I did order some T bolts from amazon that I think will work/do the same thing. But glad to know you've done it with hardware I already (probably) have. Might just do the same. I'd love some pictures just for some confidence haha.
