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Post the pics of your wheels here!!! STREET TRUCKS!!!


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20x10 All Around with 275/40/20 Front, 315/35/20 Rear

20x10 All Around with 275/40/20 Front, 315/35/20 Rear

Wow, that works a lot better than I expected when I read the email notification--IMO that is just the right amount of black. Very unique. :thumbsup:

Thanks! I had to change out the glass to 99' so the theme would work but it was so totally worth it.

Nice! I never realized what year they changed from the brown tint to the charcol/ black tint. I love the black tint vs the brown.. Hmm..

Silver polished 2003 Cobra's, SVT center cap.......rare rim from what i've come to understand, never seen another truck w/ em's, and very few mustangs....$325!!!! :D

Truck looks great!! They are 99 01 cobra wheels!!

Whoa that is Nice!!

ill show mine finally lowered it after having it lifted for a couple years.


here's mine got it done a little
while ago. 00' Explorer XLT V8. Torsion twist, 3 inch blocks 18x9 front 18x10 rear OE Wheels inc FR500 wheels.

Well here are my rims as of now. :) Stock rims with balding tires 275,70 15 i believe. :) Then here is my Daughters on 30 9.5 15's. unsure of what type of rims.


I do not have the 92 in the back ground anymore. I know have the 93. On the 93 I Want to get some rims like these.

My previous truck

2006 F150. American Racing Mainline 20" wheels. Goodyear Fortera tires. Various aftermarket bolt-ons. Custom striping.

What wheels are these? Also what’s the offset?

20x9 I believe and I think about +20. This was so long ago I have to look it up again LOL

Here's my latest experiment. Navigator 17x7 wheels with low pros lowered. 5-speed truck.


Here's my latest experiment. Navigator 17x7 wheels with low pros lowered. 5-speed truck.

View attachment 167497

I like it, and I bet those have less rear tire rub than the 315mm tires? What became of that 98 Limited ... can you tell I'm partial to them?

Here's the Volk GTC wheel I'm going to get on my 98 Limited some day, with 275/55/17's. It's a 9" 16mm offset version.

Volk Wheels - Gt-C.jpg

What's the thickness of the conversion spacer did you run? I thought about doing that with my wife's.
They will be a good inch thick. The later wheels have a good 25mm or so more offset, which moves them inboard that much more. 2nd gen wheels are around 20mm offsets, and most later Fords I've rear of have been 45mm or near that.

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They will be a good inch thick. The later wheels have a good 25mm or so more offset, which moves them inboard that much more. 2nd gen wheels are around 20mm offsets, and most later Fords I've rear of have been 45mm or near that.

The wheels on his explorer look to be pre 03 when Ford went to the high offset. this wheel set looks to be off of a 00-02 navigator or 99-02 expedition. which were 17x7.5 et14

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