Prius step aside. Here's a new kind of hybrid which is a lot more efficient. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Prius step aside. Here's a new kind of hybrid which is a lot more efficient.


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November 11, 2005
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The only problem is it sounds like an impact wrench going down the road.:D


The only problem is it sounds like an impact wrench going down the road.:D


Got to be much better than the fart pipes from the ricers..

and the cylon noise the hybrid by law is required to produce..

Cylon noise? I have yet to hear that :D

Cylon noise? I have yet to hear that :D

I heard a ford hybrid last week.. While in electric mode (going through the parking lot) it sounded like it had a playing card in the spokes..


I've seen that there are some compressed air only cars in places like India, and I've seen some homemade/made by engineering programs at universities compressed air cars. Honestly, I think they're a good thing. I'd really like to see these kinds of tHings on the road.
