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Record Breaking Daily Driver Ford GT


Elite Loser
Staff member
Elite Explorer
November 29, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
San Diego, PRofK
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 XLT

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Why did it have to be Richard Rawlings and Ass Monkeys? :(


Dude apparently owns his own proving grounds?
“The retired, nearly three-mile-long landing strip the feat was achieved on is located at the Kennedy Space Center and primarily used today for car testing overseen by the Johnny Bohmer Proving Grounds company and other special events.”

In the area that I live in, you can't go more than 25 MPH, and with the bumper to bumper traffic, you're lucky if you could even go 20 MPH. It might be street legal, but it won't be practical. It's still impressive.

In the area that I live in, you can't go more than 25 MPH, and with the bumper to bumper traffic, you're lucky if you could even go 20 MPH. It might be street legal, but it won't be practical. It's still impressive.

You really need to move. 🤣

You really need to move. 🤣
During rush hour, every street is backed up for a mile or more with long school buses. You spend 2 to 4 minutes on each block until you get to the next block. You see the traffic light change several times until you're able to get past it. It's quicker to walk a mile than sit 20 minutes or more in traffic burning gas while not moving anywhere.

I have difficulty dealing with the traffic here during commute times, I can't imagine living in that mass of humanity. I think it's too crowded here when I see 10 people while out walking the dog.

During rush hour, every street is backed up for a mile or more with long school buses. You spend 2 to 4 minutes on each block until you get to the next block. You see the traffic light change several times until you're able to get past it. It's quicker to walk a mile than sit 20 minutes or more in traffic burning gas while not moving anywhere.

This is why I don't like to be in San Francisco on a weekday.. it's improved because of the pandemic, but it's still grid-lock at times.

And don't get me started when they close down the SF/Oakland Bay Bridge.. I was best to just sit and wait at home/work, then try to travel vi anything.
