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Scott B's 2006 Ranger FX4 Level II

Finished the Lokar installation. A very nice product - super clean install. Pictures this weekend.

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...Care to share the part numbers while we are waiting on the pics??..:bounce:

...You didn't have to get the Explorer one or anything special?

...I now see it is the Explorer/wilwood package. Does it come with 2 different style clevis' ?

...I was thinking about getting the black set up, fu package but they are still pricey..:(

The Explorer model has cable ends that fit the factory caliper bracket perfectly.

Yes, they are a little pricey - but the fit is perfect. (Wait 'til you see the pictures!)

The Explorer model has cable ends that fit the factory caliper bracket perfectly.

Yes, they are a little pricey - but the fit is perfect. (Wait 'til you see the pictures!)

..:bounce:...It's the weekend and we are anxiously waiting to see the pics...Detailed on the routing would be a plus..:biggthump

E-Brake Cable Routing

Here are the pictures of the Lokar emergency brake cables and routing.

I made a bracket from a piece of angle, and mounted it to the factory e-brake cable mount on the front spring hanger.


Unfortunately, the factory piece bent, putting some slack in the cables. I also need to trim the cable ends sticking through the equalizer block, but I'm going to wait until all adjustments are final.


Here, you can see where I took the end of the factory passenger side e-brake cable, cut it, and put a loop at the end. This allowed me to use the original cable from the pedal, and easily adapt it to the Lokar assembly.


Driver's side attachment


Passenger side attachement


Passenger side routing over differential - the Lokar cable is tie-wrapped to the factory cable support on the top of the diff...


Thanks. It came out really well.

Bilstein 5100s Installed

I also got the rear shocks installed.


...I have a couple questions...:D

The factory bracket needs to be replace or it will bend?

The black mounting block attached to your angle iron, is that included in the kit?

Did you use the clips on the ends for quick release at the assemblies?

Where did you get your clips to cinch your hoop?

Your pass side cable looks like it's running to the rear of the truck. How did you run it over?

...I have a couple questions...:D

The factory bracket needs to be replace or it will bend?

The black mounting block attached to your angle iron, is that included in the kit?

Did you use the clips on the ends for quick release at the assemblies?

Where did you get your clips to cinch your hoop?

Your pass side cable looks like it's running to the rear of the truck. How did you run it over?

I am going to replace the factory bracket with another piece of angle.

The "black mounting block" is the factory bracket (if I understand your question.)

The "clips on the ends" - I assume you mean where the cable attaches to the brake. Yes, I used the clips (included in the kit.)

To "cinch my hoop" - I assume you mean the passenger side e-brake cable. I used 5/32" cable ferrules and a thimble, and crimped on the cable.

In the last picture, the cable running approximately horizontal across the middle of the picture is the e-brake cable. It runs from the equalizer, through a loop on the frame (not pictured), across the top of the differential, through a retaining clip (attached to the u-bolt) to the brake.

...Thanks an I'll check back in later...:hammer:

..:eek:..and your factory bracket looks purdy that's what threw me off...Not even the new stuff on my trucks look that purdy...:D

..May be a dumb question...Where did you mount your hose bracket (that meets the hardline)?..I'm thinking of mounting mine to the block but I just can't see where yours are mounted to..:scratch:

I'm not sure I understand what you are asking, but I'll take a shot...

The soft line comes from the frame to the top of the differential, where it attaches to a junction block. Also attached to the junction block are the hard lines going to each caliper. (Remember, soft line between hard line and caliper.)

The junction block is mounted to the top of the diff via a 5/16" bolt (threaded hole in the top of the diff.)

(Look at the 6th picture in post #87.)

Between the junction block and diff, you will see a thin, flat piece of steel sticking out (facing forward.) This is from the original junction block, and holds the emergency brake cable.

(Remember, soft line between hard line and caliper.)

..This is the area I have a question..Usually there is a mounting point at the connection of the hard line and soft line as the soft line flexes when braking..

Look at this.

On the left side of the picture, you can see a "tab" that I welded to the axle. This tab holds a fitting that connects the hard line to the AN-3 flex line.

Here is part at Summit.

Air Compressor

I pulled the ARB compressor out of the other truck - it is getting replaced with a Viair compressor and tank.

So, I mounted the ARB compressor in the bed of this truck. It's up in the front corner, in the dead space between the tire and the side of the bed. Not super convenient to get to, but not too difficult, either.

On this truck, the compressor will be for emergencies rather than a regular routine of airing up tires - should work just fine.

(As soon as I get some 12 gauge wire, I can wire it up!)


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The battery in this truck is 5 1/2 years old, and no longer shows the green indicator. I am upgrading to an Optima Red Top, and a Ruff Stuff battery cage.

Here's the cage, fresh from the powder coater's (thanks Turdle!)

Sometime soon, I will replace the battery, switch to military-style battery clamps, and replace the clamps on the cables with terminal lugs. Not too much work, and a much more reliable and corrosion resistant connection.


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Scott, I just read this entire thread. Amazing work you have done here. :thumbsup:

Everything you have done to this rig is top notch, and thoughtfully carried out. My hat is off to you sir, you done good. :)
