Show us your custom bumper photos!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Show us your custom bumper photos!!


May 15, 2003
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'91 ranger
show us your custom bumpers!!(i need ideas for mine i am going to make)

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Not from an Explorer, but I made these. The style could be adapted pretty easily to fit an X. Doug and I have been looking at making a similar set for his Explorer, but making the rear bumper double as an air tank, and adding a swing-away tire carrier to it.

Here's the front in "kit form :)

Here's the finished product:


Here's the rear bumper:

Here is mine that I made for my 91 Explorer:



It is made for a winch but I use a multi mount for the time being.

Here is more info and pics: CLICK

And my rear bumper with swingout tire carrier that I made, details HERE-


  • m_DSC06470.JPG
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I posted this one several times already... looking for someone to duplicate:

bought it overseas... just got it. It should be on my truck by the end of this weekend.

front fiber.jpg
James Duff Winch Bumper

Still in primer

hey chad, would you consider making me a bumper just like yours for my truck, I love it

sas side front.jpg
Here is mine, It's not bulky at all since I've got a 3" body lift, the frame rails are at the very bottom of the bumper. The winch is on a slider and actually sits in the same cradle as Brian1's with the handles cut off. I am currently building a removeable light bar that will use the same power from the winch and will hold 3 lights on a slide-out when the winch is not in place. It's 3/16" steel reinforced with 2" square tubing in the center section.

base of mine

what gauge/thickness are most of you using for your bumpers, I'm getting ready to build mine and I was thinking 10 gauge for the front skin, 3/16" for the top and bottom plates, and 1/4" for the winch mount area/frame mounts

i wouldnt mind getting some feed-back/opinions on what to use and why

I used all 3/16" HR steel for my rear brackets. I haven't had a problem at all with it, and I've had my dirtbike on the back for 500-1000miles so far, and gotten pulled out a few times by it :eek:

schedule 40 pipe :chug:

Come on people-- lets see some more

PAExplorer said:
Here's mine!

do they make a bumper like this for the 91-94 X...

chuxstang said:
do they make a bumper like this for the 91-94 X...

Its possible to make something sorta like that, but you cant really use a skid plate on a 91-94 due to the TTB + steering :( (least I'm pretty sure it wouldnt work)

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ok... I may be wrong :p but without a suspension lift I dont know if it will clear....
