So....I bought a OBS Bronco. '92 Bronco XLT. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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So....I bought a OBS Bronco. '92 Bronco XLT.


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
We're doing changes with vehicles. The Jaguar is out of here. Still have it, but not happy with it for multiple reasons and it's worth more than what I paid for it a year ago. Ordered the wife a Mach E, but it will not be here for 6 months. She will drive the Ranger in between. So I needed something to drive, and didn't want to buy another Explorer.

So I bought a Bronco. May keep it for my daughter's first car, we'll see.

'92 Bronco XLT
351W, 140k with a bunch of upgrades like 250amp alt., Red head steering box, MSD ignition, a shift kit, 4.56 gears, new 31" Goodyears, New Pioneer Stereo, and comes with some shortly headers to install.

Everything works, no leaks, body needs a little love. But overall not bad.



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Did you have to mortgage your soul to buy it?

Cool purchase, I love the big Broncos. If you ever decide to sell it, let me know first. Small lift, little bit bigger tires, drive it.

Nice bronco!
A 7.3 slides right in there

Just sayin!

I have a 86 f250 Bigfoot cruiser w a 472 big
Block Dana 50 ttb plow truck and my shop truck is a 97 f350 7.3 crew cab.
I love the obs fords!!! They are tough as can be

I'd like to find one in decent shape that is being sold for a reasonable price.

Looks like it is in great shape :thumbsup:

Keep an eye out of typical rust areas. Front lower fenders right behind the tires, above the rear tires, and tailgate.

The guy who owned it (5th owner) started fixing it up over the last year and a half. He was going to use it as a desert truck but bought a SXS instead, because I guess you can't fit these in a toy hauler....(duh🙄)

I paid more then I would have liked to, but I was willing to pay a little more for one that had been taken care of.

Interior - really good shape. Only issues are dash has a crack in the dash pad, the instrument cluster panel is cracked. May need a driver door panel. Headliner is just starting to fall.

Exterior- Needs a driver side fender grill chrome is starting to peel at the top. Tailgate has the typical dent in the tire carrier latch from probably backing into a pole or something. Ready for a paint job after 30 years.

Drivetrain- Low miles, runs smooth., Original R22 A/C still works. Lots of upgrades under the hood. Does have a small exhaust leak, which is why it comes with a new set of headers. Trans has probably been rebillet once. No leaks. Axles have been rebuilt last year. Manual T-Case and Hubs.

I see this as a investment. (Which you should never do with cars) These are only going up in value. I plan to fix the remaining things on it and have a new paint job done on it. Will keep the Emerald Green Metallic. From there it may become my oldest first car. We'll see how nice it looks, what the value is, and how much she is willing to help with it for this to happen.

I plan to have fun with it though. You just don't see these on the road out here anymore. Should be good to tow our hybrid trailer behind too.

They are like the hot ticket for pre runners and I mean real prerunner race teams using them to build
Luxury trailer runners for scouting. And like you said the fsb ( or anything bronco for that matter) is going way up in value. That is a nice truck!

So actually brought the Bronco home today. Very happy with the purchase. Put about 100 miles on it today.

Couple of notes.

1. Tires are kinda rough, maybe just flat spots. They have very little miles on them and only 4 years old, but I expected better from Goodyear. My 37" Falken M/T's are quieter and smoother then these 31" Dura Tracs.

2. The Red Head steering box is awesome. Steering is so nice in this truck.

3. Exhaust leak needs to get fixed, but the exhaust drone at freeway speeds in O/D is almost deafening. It's pretty bad. Need to change out the muffler quick.

4. Engine runs flawless, and has no problem moving. Sweet spot is 45-50. It's just so good right there to cruise in.

5. 30 year old truck equals lots of rattles. I'm sure some new shocks, and bushings would go a long way. Maybe even some sound deadening.

And we'll finish with some pics from today.



Yeah!! Good feeling to get a good bronco

Red head box made the steering on my bii, before that box it was holding either left or holding right, never tight and centered. With the red head box the steering is responsive and accurate better than any other ttb truck I have ever driven.

I run 35” duratracs in the bii. I would never buy them again. They are hands down the best tire I have ever used in the snow and ice and off road they are fantastic. However they wear very quickly, of course right I mean they are a mud terrain. Mine have lasted over 6 year simply because the bii gets driven on short trips. We had Goodyear mtr Kevlar on the FJ cruiser then duratracs in 35’s and the balance issues and road noise was ridiculous! So much so that I won’t buy them again. I am a big fan of dick cepek and Mickey t tires these days their tread compounds and patterns get the win for and aggressive at or a mud terrain that actually gets some road
Cooper also very good

Glad you are enjoying the fsb!! Once you own one they win you over. My wife’s pointed out to me they are about the same size as her FJ cruiser

I a big fan of the Falken Wildpeak AT. Have them on the Ranger and I would buy them again.

For the Bronco, I thinking of getting some BFG KO2's because it's just such a classic tire that goes so well on these old trucks. I'm thinking 2" lift and 33x10.5x15. I could fit them now, but it would be nice to update the suspension. With a 2" I could fit 35's, but I think skinny tall 33's will be perfect for this truck.

I like the ko’s
What makes them work so well in the sand and deep snow also
Makes them hydroplane in water and slush, that was the only thing that turned me away from them after running a couple of sets they hydroplane like crazy! In wintery mix weather that can suck
They have a “water dam”
Built into the outer shoulder tread that stops water from channeling out from under the tire and causes lift ;)
They will look great on that fsb! Hopefully Covid disnt have them priced too high, tire prices crazy right now!

Them rims are so mice

Very nice! I had 3 broncos years ago, an 89, 90 and 91. They were all blue and silver. Man I wish I had them today. I was going to put a 7.3 in one of them. I still have the complete power train today. Its going to make it into my '93 F-Superduty soon. I sold the Broncos years ago to focus on other things.

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A 7.3 slides right in there
Who didn't see that one coming?:D
Nice rig. Hope you, then daughter enjoy for many years!
Every time I see the big Bos, I kick myself in the head for letting mine go....
