SOHC timing chain question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SOHC timing chain question


New Member
September 17, 2012
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Columbia, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Ford Explorer Sport
Hello all,

I am new here as well as a new owner of a 1999 Explorer Sport. I recently purchased the truck from a friend and he told me that the timing chains, cassettes, chain guides and tensioners were just replaced (within 1000 Miles). Well recently I have been having pretty bad timing chain rattle from the l/f tensioner upon start up that goes away within 2-4 seconds. Also I think there is a bit of timing chain slap when it is warm. My question is if he used a cheap kit off Ebay would there be the possibility that the tensioner he put on was junk? Also has anyone heard that if the oil pump is going bad it could possibly cause this ussue? The oil restrictor tube was also installed with the new tensioners/ timing chain kit. I did not want to pull up a thread that was 10+ years old so I decided to start a new one. Thaks for any help in advance.

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If you don't have a Motorcraft oil filter on it start there. I have used a cheap ebay kit before and the 2 tensioners themselfs are the only thing I don't think are to OEM quality. If you replace just the tensioners with Ford ones you should be fine.

Thanks for the follow up. I was thinking about going the dealer route for the tensioners. I have used a Fram oil filter pretty much all my life, what would the difference be in a Motorcraft one?

the problem is that the cheap fram filters don't have what's called an anti-drain back valve. this allows the oil to drain back into the oil pan when the engine is turned off, then when you first start the engine you have to wait a few seconds for the oil pressure to come up. motorcraft and wix filters (and maybe the more expensive fram filters) have the anti-drain back valve. if you're only hearing the noise at startup you should start with changing your filter and see if it helps. if not, the tensioners are next on the list.

If you don't have a Motorcraft oil filter on it start there. I have used a cheap ebay kit before and the 2 tensioners themselfs are the only thing I don't think are to OEM quality. If you replace just the tensioners with Ford ones you should be fine.

Thanks for the info. I have replaced the oil filter and the l/f tensioner with an OEM one and so far no rattle on start up! Only time will tell though, the aftermarket tensioner lasted about two weeks and it started to rattle. Thanks again for the help!
