Sony Sound System Quality (Limited) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sony Sound System Quality (Limited)


Well-Known Member
February 9, 2011
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Kent, Ohio
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2011 EX Limited 4x4
Does anyone else here have any issues with the sound quality from the Sony system in the limited? Overall I feel its a good sounding system from a factory standpoint. It sounds great at normal listening levels, but I am having sound issues at volumes above the 50% mark and I'd like to know if its just the way the DSP is programmed for speaker protection or if my unit is defective.

It seems to only happen with music streamed from my iPhone or through the USB port. No problems from FM or Sirius that I've noticed. My bass is set 2 clicks from the top, mid about 3 clicks and treble about 2 clicks. Does it on both Stereo and Surround mode, but much more noticeable in surround.

So anyways, for example, when I play almost anything from a Skillet album (hard rock I'd call it I guess), the system will soften up all the harder notes when I crank it up past 50% and it really sounds like crap because the "volume level" goes up and down depending on what's going on in the song. It's like it's muting the harder hitting notes in order to "protect" the speakers. Has anyone else noticed this or are you willing to test it out on your '11 Explorer for me? Download "Comatose" by Skillet and play it from a USB stick. Sounds good up to about 50% volume.

When my dealer finally gets some Explorers in stock I'm going to go down there and test it out on one of theirs, but in the meantime I was hoping I could get some insight from some people here.

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I have noticed that when playing it loud, the bass doesn't always hit as hard.. depends on the song. Seems as if the speakers are not capable of producing all the sound together at once. So in a way, ya I've noticed that it cuts down some of the notes. I've had the volume up to 80% or so and it still sounds the best I've heard from a factory system.

So yes, I can confirm what you are saying.. not all the notes hit the same way consistantly.

Might be the quality of the audio file.

I think the Sony system sounds great. Best OEM sound system I've ever heard. Better than the Bose system in my wife's Mercedes or Bose system in my Porsches.

The description sounds like the system is doing some soft clipping to protect the speakers and components during high-stress moments. I am not an audio expert but have more than a casual interest in it, so take all of this for the price paid.
If you have the bass boosted and the volume high then you are likely taking the system to limit of it's design. Driving a lot of bass takes a lot of power. A LOT of power. That's why the "serious" stereo systems use capacitors as part of the power supply. The capacitors provide the punch for big bass when needed.

The quick and easy solution would be to go to a local car audio shop and ask them about it. They will likely recommend an additional amplifier. I wonder if anyone has the specs on the Sony system- maybe has some input as well. They are pricey but very knowledgeable. I like to throw them some business when I can as payment for the information they provide.

odds are its because you have your iphone set to an equalizer turn it off and try again with iphone volume to about 80%

Might be the quality of the audio file.

I thought that too, so I downloaded multiple files of the same song with different bitrates and had the same result. Also, I played it in my wife's '10 Fusion w/ Sony sound system (different version than the X) and it sounded fine.

The description sounds like the system is doing some soft clipping to protect the speakers and components during high-stress moments.

This is exactly what it sounds like, a soft clipping. So I guess if I want to crank up the hard rock on my iPhone I'll have to drive the Fusion Sport. Is there a way to remedy this or do I just have to live with this design flaw?

odds are its because you have your iphone set to an equalizer turn it off and try again with iphone volume to about 80%

Actually this happens with the EQ turned off on my iPhone, I've actually found that if use the EQ setting for "bass reduction" I can reduce the soft clipping a little bit.
This clipping also happens while playing music directly from a USB drive.

Windows Phone

My volume is loud at 25 to 40%. I do have an issue with my phone and BT stream. I do have to cut the volume up on the phone. Not as good as direct connect or usb, sirus, etc.

I did notice the USB drives work best with the newest jumpdrives. I did have zune convert my itunes over. Some itunes music wasn't clear at high sound levels.

CD/DVD player works but doesn't read all the formats.


I do know back in the day that Ford radios would cut the lows at higher volumes. I used to have a chart that showed what the tones did as well, like the last 2-3 'dots' on the bass and treble adjustments did not actually change the settings... I'd imagine that they still use some sort of crossover, especially at 80% volume.

Last night I was pleasantly surprised when I streamed Pandora and my home music collection via Subsonic (FLAC files transcoded to MP3) through BT from my Moto Droid 2. The sound quality through Subsonic was much better than Sirius and even Pandora seemed to sound better. :thumbsup:

Last night I was pleasantly surprised when I streamed Pandora and my home music collection via Subsonic (FLAC files transcoded to MP3) through BT from my Moto Droid 2. The sound quality through Subsonic was much better than Sirius and even Pandora seemed to sound better. :thumbsup:

Well - I knew it was too good to be true. It worked flawlessly on Tuesday, but I have since been unable to stream Pandora or Subsonic through the Sync system. Every time I select bluetooth audio now and begin to play either app, I get a message saying "Droid2 Disconnected". The phone itself is still connected, but the media portion is not. I have tried everything that I can think of short of a master reset of MFT. :thumbdwn:

I know this is an old thread, but couldn't find another one discussing the system unless it was more about serious upgrades.

Here's what I've realized:
The factory system cuts bass at about half volume and above.
BUT if you enable the speed compensated volume, and keep the volume below half way, then as you speed up the bass isn't cut off and is actually enough to hit pretty good! At that volume combination, it actually sounds really good.

So that brings me to... how can I use something like a sound processor to restore the high-volume bass but keep the factory speakers, amps, etc? Any ideas?

If I can get this to work, I might consider replacing speakers then maybe adding amps down the road. But that sounds like a bit of work with 12 speakers! haha
In my F150, i just replaced everything, wires and all. I'm not ready to tear that far into the Ex yet!

I seem to have a sound quality issue on my 2013 Limited with the top of the line Sony. It sounds really tinny or gymnasium like when it plays on Sirius only. Is there some settings I don't know about?

Apparently that's how the signal is from Sirius, not all the time but sometimes or some channels. Essentially it sometimes sounds like a tape is being played.

Try opening the settings on the MFT and adjust the audio EQ ad it will be fine.
Thats all I did and everything sounded better.

I seem to have a sound quality issue on my 2013 Limited with the top of the line Sony. It sounds really tinny or gymnasium like when it plays on Sirius only. Is there some settings I don't know about?

Hi. I had a 2012 Edge with the premium Sony audio and it was real crisp. Just got a 2014 Explorer Sport and it sounds like crap. As you say,"gymnasium like ". It supposed to have more speakers and a 390W system. But I am getting 1/2 the volume than the Edge. I tried every setting to no avail. It seams to me not to have a amplifier or not enough power for the 12 speakers. I am taking it in to check and see whats going on at the Dealer. I'll let you know how it goes.

Welcome to the Forum cjmunoz.:wavey:
There was another complaint from a 2014 Sport owner about lack of bass. There must be an issue with your radio since I can't turn mine up much at all before it's too loud. Here is where my volume is usually set.



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2014 Explorer Premium Sound Settings

Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum. I recently bought a 2014 Explorer Limited with the Sony Premium Sound package. I am having issues adjusting the sound settings to get it to sound good. Seems like something is missing. My wife has a Bose system in her 2007 Altima and it sounds great. I believe it is easier to produce good sound in a smaller enclosure, but I was hoping with all the speakers it would compensate for the larger space. Can anyone suggest some sound settings they are happy with?


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Welcome to the Forum ElGuapo80.:wavey:
We have several members from the Toronto area and I believe Burlington as well. Hope you find the right settings for your entertainment unit.

