SRS light on after swapping seats | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SRS light on after swapping seats


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August 11, 2019
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2017 PIU EB
I’m trying to read the codes to see what the issue is however i’m not too familiar with Forscan. Where should i be looking?



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I did swap out the seat buckle as i noticed the warning wasnt going off when i didnt belt myself in. however the airbag light is still on.

Not seeing the RCM which is where im told i need to look. Any Forscan gurus?

What seats did you swap in - all or rear only? Make, model, year of donor? Also, was the donor vehicle in an airbag deployed accident? If yes, which airbags in the donor vehicle deployed and have you confirmed the seat pretensioners are good and not blown?

What seats did you swap in - all or rear only? Make, model, year of donor? Also, was the donor vehicle in an airbag deployed accident? If yes, which airbags in the donor vehicle deployed and have you confirmed the seat pretensioners are good and not blown?
Front seats only, but i do plan on swapping the rear seats. Donor car is a 2014 Exp. front air bags did deploy but the seat air bags did not. Im assuming the pretensioners did. When i first installed the seats the car didn't ding if i didn’t buckle myself in so i swapped the seat buckle ends from my PIU to the 2014 seats. That fixed that issue so im curious to find out what other SRS codes its throwing.

on the rear bench seats in there a connector? I’m asking because i didnt see one on the donor seats.

It's been like 4 years since I did the swap on my 16 so some details are a bit vague - here's what I recall:

Sounds like you've done most of the swap correctly - donor seats while leaving the PIU pretensioners (good, no accident) in place. I believe these are along the floor at the pillar, right? You've then swapped the PIU buckles onto the donor seats.

Here's the kicker, your passenger seat weight sensor is different between the two years (2014 and 2017). You'd need to take the sensor (a bladder kind of thing) out of the PIU passenger seat and swap it into your donor seat. They changed bladders between those years. Now, you CAN remove/swap them without pulling the covers/foam/upholstery from each seat - you unlock some of the wire mesh from below and go after it; tough to get your hands into the front, but can be done. Start with the donor seat since messing up that bladder doesn't matter and you'll get a good education on how to do it better.

Rear seats may or may not have connectors depending on trim level. If yours don't have electric; you're good. You'll need some of the floor hardware from a civilian car to mount them into your PIU, but that's almost always left behind at the scrap yard and easy to get if you didn't get them with your seats.

Are you talking about the lumbar bladder?

Are you talking about the lumbar bladder?
no.....there's a bladder sensor that determines if someone is in the passenger seat (engage/disengage passenger airbags). It's in the bottom (butt) portion of the seat.

I can't ever seem to post pics ebay search for the following will show you what they look like

"2016 Ford Explorer Passenger Seat Occupant Weight Sensor"​


no.....there's a bladder sensor that determines if someone is in the passenger seat (engage/disengage passenger airbags). It's in the bottom (butt) portion of the seat.

I can't ever seem to post pics ebay search for the following will show you what they look like

"2016 Ford Explorer Passenger Seat Occupant Weight Sensor"​

You can easily post from your device if you have the Elite Membership ($20) but I know you can also post without it as I've seen others do it. It is just that the pictures aren't saved to our servers and therefore have a tendency to disappear.


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So i noticed when i unbuckled while the car was on it didn’t show the seat belt symbol. Could the main wiring harness be bad?

Hes talking about the weight sensor in the seat bottom. When someone sits in the passenger seat u should see the air bag light next to the radio illuminate on. That mean it detects a passenger and will beep if they don't buckle up. Not sure where that sensor is located but it must be in the bottom center I assume.

Hes talking about the weight sensor in the seat bottom. When someone sits in the passenger seat u should see the air bag light next to the radio illuminate on. That mean it detects a passenger and will beep if they don't buckle up. Not sure where that sensor is located but it must be in the bottom center I assume.

no.....there's a bladder sensor that determines if someone is in the passenger seat (engage/disengage passenger airbags). It's in the bottom (butt) portion of the seat.

I can't ever seem to post pics ebay search for the following will show you what they look like

"2016 Ford Explorer Passenger Seat Occupant Weight Sensor"​

Thanks for you help and suggestion. I finally got off my butt and swapped the sensor like you suggested and it did the trick 👍

Thanks for you help and suggestion. I finally got off my butt and swapped the sensor like you suggested and it did the trick 👍
How did you manage to solve the problem with the SRS Airbags? Can you share?

You need to swap the Original sensors that came with your oem seats into the new seats that you installed. They are programmed from factory specific per vehicle

You need to swap the Original sensors that came with your oem seats into the new seats that you installed. They are programmed from factory specific per vehicle
Do have any photos of the sensors? or where they may be located? Thanks

I believe the weight sensors are located under the bottom cushion. Does your new seats have the same options like heated/cooled/power etc?

Do have any photos of the sensors? or where they may be located? Thanks
A late "Welcome to the Forum". :wave:
Keep in mind that the entire airbag system itself may not be operational with the waring ON.


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I believe the weight sensors are located under the bottom cushion. Does your new seats have the same options like heated/cooled/power etc?
Yes, the new seats are heated and cooled and they have power. The original Driver seats only had power but the passenger seats did not have any of those options
