Still working on adding second overdrive... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Still working on adding second overdrive...


Well-Known Member
January 25, 2019
Reaction score
City, State
Phoenix AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer XLT 4.6 4WD
So I need to ask is there a speed sensor in the 5R55s transmission in addition to the VSS sensor in the rear end (or that the VSS is take off the ABS sensors…)

And if there is a speed sensor in the transmission??

If so does anyone know if it has a different pulse rate that the VSS single?? Or better the two pulse rates for the two.

Had a talk with gear venders, they claim A) no room for one…B) nothing can improve my MPG, C) My 5R55s has its OWN VSS/speed sensor and if I switch in a second overdrive the PCM will flip out as the VSS does not compute with the Speed sensor in the transmission.

They claim FORD compiling with CAFA gives the Explorer all the POSSIBLE MPG and nothing can change that….that it is a brick.

I strongly disagree with his words.

BUT just as I will need a Brown Wire switch so the 4WD Drive will not engage when running double overdrive I may need to find a way to override the Transmission speed sensor as well.



OK I found out that there is a TSS and a OSS, and that these two need to agree, so now the question is is the trucks speed or VSS have anything to do with one another??

After all I can kick it at say 70MPH into nurtural and the engine drops to idle, IE the TSS will show say 700RPMs when while the OSS is still showing the RPMs of that shaft at the speed of the truck....and as I understand it the Speedometer and other functions that work off the Trucks speed the VSS from the rear end telling the PCM what it is seeing as speed, SO,

The question is why would the PCM care if the rear end is going at say .30% faster that the OSS is??

As I see it all I may need to do is get a device to increase the pulse rate from the OSS to match the rate of the VSS…then no problem.

Rig a switch to cut in the multiplier when I switch into double overdrive.

