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Strange noises when off


Active Member
May 15, 2001
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Middle of No Where
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20 Explorer XLT
I'm sure everyone has heard the Explorer making odd clicking noises when you shut it off. It kind of sounds like the vehicle going through some last minute checks and shutting things down to save energy. I had the unfortunate experience to spend the night in the car last week and noticed periodically throughout the night the car made those same noises. Does anybody know what the car is doing? I just thought it was odd to continue doing it through out the night.

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I don't know why but mine will do that at times as I walk near it while parked in the garage. Pretty much just ignore it.

I'm sure everyone has heard the Explorer making odd clicking noises when you shut it off. It kind of sounds like the vehicle going through some last minute checks and shutting things down to save energy. I had the unfortunate experience to spend the night in the car last week and noticed periodically throughout the night the car made those same noises. Does anybody know what the car is doing? I just thought it was odd to continue doing it through out the night.
I'm guessing that you probably had your key on you. If so, that would likely keep the Explorer and some of the systems 'awake' so to speak.


I'm guessing that you probably had your key on you. If so, that would likely keep the Explorer and some of the systems 'awake' so to speak.

That makes sense. I was just interested in what it is doing.

Would definitely be interested in knowing the technical reason here as well. It's like it's possessed!

I could understand the outboard sensors detecting movement when we walk around the car, but why the noises when sleeping inside the car?

I'm guessing that you probably had your key on you. If so, that would likely keep the Explorer and some of the systems 'awake' so to speak.


Mine does it with no keyfob. I have been seated while working on a project at a table on the opposite side of the garage, with a car between me and the ST, and all of a sudden the ST starts making it's clicking and whirring sounds.

When my Mustang started making odd clicks and other sounds after shut down they finally decided it was something faulty in the Keep Alive Memory (KAM) circuit for the sound system. Sometimes it made the CD changer start to randomly shuffle cd’s, which eventually ran down the battery completely. I assume all Fords have a KAM circuit, which means some devices remain powered even when the car is shut off.

I'm sure everyone has heard the Explorer making odd clicking noises when you shut it off. It kind of sounds like the vehicle going through some last minute checks and shutting things down to save energy. I had the unfortunate experience to spend the night in the car last week and noticed periodically throughout the night the car made those same noises. Does anybody know what the car is doing? I just thought it was odd to continue doing it through out the night.
My 2020 Aviator makes the same noises - I think it is just messing with me....

I'm sure everyone has heard the Explorer making odd clicking noises when you shut it off. It kind of sounds like the vehicle going through some last minute checks and shutting things down to save energy. I had the unfortunate experience to spend the night in the car last week and noticed periodically throughout the night the car made those same noises. Does anybody know what the car is doing? I just thought it was odd to continue doing it through out the night.
My 2022 ST does this too. The car is off and key fob is out of range. Car will just click randomly. I was in the car once when it did it, and dash lit up for a second along with shift knob. I’m going to mention it to my dealer next service visit, but I have little hope they will find anything. I knew I should’ve stayed with Honda.

My 2022 ST does this too. The car is off and key fob is out of range. Car will just click randomly. I was in the car once when it did it, and dash lit up for a second along with shift knob. I’m going to mention it to my dealer next service visit, but I have little hope they will find anything. I knew I should’ve stayed with Honda.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
This is normal for the 6th gen. My previous 2020 Aviator and current 2023 do the same thing. Other 6th gen owners have noticed the same thing.
There is nothing for the dealer to do.


Never paid it much mind, until we were out for a hunting trip.
We gave up stand hunting years ago & just park the truck somewhere on the property.
Deer visibly reacted to the many clicks & clacks from the modules.

I'm sure everyone has heard the Explorer making odd clicking noises when you shut it off. It kind of sounds like the vehicle going through some last minute checks and shutting things down to save energy. I had the unfortunate experience to spend the night in the car last week and noticed periodically throughout the night the car made those same noises. Does anybody know what the car is doing? I just thought it was odd to continue doing it through out the night.
I sit in my Explorer every week for an hour while my son is at the tutor. I can tell you that the car makes noises, and some of the ambient lights flash after about 15 minutes and again after about 30 minutes. It's interesting to hear it does it periodically all night.

I've noticed that mine does it too, but I leave the key in it while I'm at home. I'm guessing it's some sort of theft mechanism and it can't do it's job because my key is still there.

I've noticed that mine does it too, but I leave the key in it while I'm at home. I'm guessing it's some sort of theft mechanism and it can't do it's job because my key is still there.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
It isn't a good idea to leave the key in the vehicle unless you lock it. Without locking it up, the key will be in constant communication with the vehicle and shorten the battery life of the keyfob. The noises will occur whether or not the key is left inside.


Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
It isn't a good idea to leave the key in the vehicle unless you lock it. Without locking it up, the key will be in constant communication with the vehicle and shorten the battery life of the keyfob. The noises will occur whether or not the key is left inside.


I'm sure everyone has heard the Explorer making odd clicking noises when you shut it off. It kind of sounds like the vehicle going through some last minute checks and shutting things down to save energy. I had the unfortunate experience to spend the night in the car last week and noticed periodically throughout the night the car made those same noises. Does anybody know what the car is doing? I just thought it was odd to continue doing it through out the night.
I have a Dodge that does the same thing with noise originating from the HVAC system. I just assume it is doing a self test, calibration, exercise, malfunction check and leave it at that.
