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The fishin' thread (NWexplorers)

Originally posted by WAExplorer
Hey dreamer,

Is that top picture Walupt Lake? Sure looks like it. That was my favorite lake about 15 years ago.

The very first picture was in the first post was from Lake 22 up by granite falls, the last few were right next door to 22 at heather lake. Short but nice little hikes, and fair fishin' come spring/summer.
There are several lakes surrounding mount pilchuk which are kept stocked with rainbow and of course the ever present Brookie. My favorites up there are Pinacle Lake, and it's off trail neighbor Hemple Lake.

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will the real pumpkin please roll forward

Just trying the picture thing


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weekend adventure/lake report

Saturday brought us clear skies and a babysitter, so again we headed out for them thar hills. 'Twas Shiloh and I's 5th or 6th anniversary(shhh the years blend),and we sought a nice quite location to relax with one another. Me of course having ulterior(sp?) motives. I was going to get up there on Mount index:D


It was an ardous yet beautiful hike. After crossing a couple avalanche fields we were excited for our fist glimpse of the lake and a chance to rest. Upon entering the lake basin we were struck by an incredibly cold and powerful wind whirling down off the face of index. We were now at 2500 feet with nearly 3,000 foot cliffs 3/4 of the way around us. Magnificent but COLD


Lake serene, is aptly named I am sure, but the ferocity of the spring winds surely bellied this semmingly serene place. The outlet and maybe a sixth of the lake are nearly ice free.


Though the rest is securely held in winters grip, and will not be clear for a couple months


All in all I'll be back in late june or july.

I hadn't locked in my front tires for a bit, so I got the itchin' when we got back down around 5p.m.

Western Wa is interlaced with forest roads that are similar to a gravel hiway, and rather boring. However this falls floods made some improvements in my opinion. We took several logging and forest roads searching out lakes and points of interest on the topo map. A bit of mud, a couple bangs, and clunks later.We find a couple nice spots to camp, and a good hole for the brookies' (with a raft of course damn rhodedendron) I'll keep the pics to myself, there rather lame.

My lady, Albino94ltd, and myself wandered up to lizard lake in the chuckanut mountain area today. It was a bit on the cold side and threatening rain. Overall a nice little hike and a nice little lake. Pretty much unfishable for a spincaster, but then again I don't even think for sure that there are any fish in there. Albino gave a try with the old fly rod, but as he said it," not even a shadow rising".

Thanks for joining us youngsters on the trail. Hopefully we can do it again in the near future, of course lets pick a better lake and hope for some decent weather.

Even though I love flooding this thread with pictures I forgot to take any.

No pix!


Yeah, my camera weighs about 1.5lbs (all the bells and whistles from Dad) so I left it home assuming you would fill in as camera man. :banghead: No biggie.

A day hike with the kids is in order. Next week is out for us but the two after are candidates.

Thanks for letting the OLD MAN hang. ;)

I think we are taking Zaira on a easy one next weekend to Snoqualmie Falls. Kinda boring, but pretty.

I will check the trail reports when we get back in this evening and see what other lowland trails are open for the kids to join us next time. If I am lucky we will be able to get into a few of the lowere lakes to fish while the kids play. Zaira makes me carry her digging toys on most fishin' trips. Too bad it's not may or june yet. I doubt there are any good ones open yet, but I'll check in with the trailblazers and see if there are any likely candidates.

P.s. You can't be considered an old man for at least a few more decades. :nono: and you are always welcome to come and join us. Next time we put shiloh in the middle or back though. Man that girl set a brisk pace up. She usually drags her feet a bit and takes her time. Eithier she was very eager to shed her pack as she said, or the last few trails got her in beter shape than me.

Try Twin Falls The South Fork should be pretty high with runoff. The falls would be spectactular.

Now I KNOW there's fish in that river, but I think it is closed until June 1st., correct me if I am wrong..........PLEASE.

Hmm, I have never been up any trails on that side of 90. I always head up into the Alpine Lakes instead when I am over there. Well with the exception of a crystal mine over there, but I won't confess to that yet :bounce: :nono:

Looks like a nice mellow hike for the kids with good picnic opportunity. Not to mention a place I haven't been before. When are we going??? Hmmm. Bet there is lots of mud over there. J/k I am still cleaning tahuya out of my truck.

Rattlesnake ledge

Or you could try Rattlesnake Ledge. Great view but lots of people if the weather's decent.

Lake Annette, but it is on the North face and might still be frozen. I've seen fish stacked up in the outfall. You could almost reach down and grab them.

We are out for next weekend but OK for the two after.

Annette is still very much so frozen over probably near on 4 foot of snow if not much more. We should stick with the falls. If the kids get tired we could throw in the poles and investigate some of those forest roads leading to lakes under 2000 feet on the good ol topo map.

hmm I'll PM you

He he the post padder is back with a bit of spring's promise to share.

My daughter at Snoqualmie Falls

A bit of a casting lesson on Keechelus Lake

I keep telling myself that soon the ice will break it's hold, and nature will once again breathe with the essence of life, But untill then here is our dream.

Albino 94LTD, clear back at the beginning of this thread you spoke of the highland flowers, here is one for you from Jenny Lake at the base of the Tetons in Wyoming


Untill the next journey, Bryce

All right, enough of the Hiking stuff in the Fishing thread. :nono:

We need to do some fishing!! :bounce:

Upper Yakima river, this weekend.

(it's about the only one open year round and worth fishing) :rolleyes:

There is fish in all these, didn't you see them??????

LOL See the idea is to keep tabs on my fish under the ice :smoke: It's not my fault no one else is posting reports on other locations, I just happen to be the frozen in mountain boy. Note all trips go to lake's the rest (there have been several others) get entered into the NWHiker's forum when I get around to visiting with those folks.

This weekend Shiloh's sister is coming in to town. :chug:

Next appears to be open though. Of course my liscense just expired, so I need to get one first. What are they 21.90 I think I can find that much.

Zaira was getting pretty good at casting in that last pic set. I took my pole and was showing her how. Casting out a few feet, and the little pup wings the bait out there past mine. About an 8-10 foot cast. Not bad for an inexperienced 4 year old on her own

All the talk of fishin' and no pic's?? Here is a small fish I got back in September on the north fork of the Toutle.
By the time I got home they had darkened up a bit, the bad new this year is that the commerical gill netters have ruined this years' springer run.


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Now We're Talkin!

Come on Joe, give us some pointers.

Do I have to put my SeaRay in the salt to put some meat in the freezer?

When and where?


Come the end of August I will let you in on, where to be.(north fork Toutle river and green river(cowlitz county))
I enjoy the fall run because it is nice out (tank top and shorts) and the fish a plenty, I like catching fish more than fishin'.
Last October/November when I was on the satsop river the Chum salmon were so plentiful that they were swimming into us as we stood in the river, we spent about 6-8 hours with almost nonstop action, FISHON :bounce:
Here is a photo of typical riggin.


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Me thinks that I need a larger pole and to go fishin with sir jrgaylor!!!
Yes indeed that's what me thinks!!
nice "little one"
Shiloh's little one of last year (also her first fish ever) was maybe 4 inches, yet she was so excited, I nearly let the little guy die trying to get him off the hook and back into the lake. I tried not to laugh, but she was so excited. Of course she did get a 9 inch rainbow later in the day, or actually it may have been the next morning.

We had fish


Finally a post in the fishing thread that has pictures of fish in it! :bounce:

We took Travis to a trout farm south of here about 20 miles so he could catch his first fish. All in all, he caught 5 but wouldn't touch any of them.
A couple good casts and a lot of bad casts but it was fun to hear him squeel when he got a fish on.


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About time someone finally put some fish pics in the fishing thread. :D Tho I like the pics of the mountains and flowers too. ;)
