Theft light flashing. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Theft light flashing.


Well-Known Member
October 10, 2014
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City, State
Snow elevation California
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Expl 4x4 XLT 4.6L
Hello, my 02 is running fine, but now my theft light flashes on the cluster. It's not rapid flashing, and it goes away when I start the vehicle. When I turn off the engine and remove the key, the light appears, and it flashes, and flashes. The light used to stay off until I pushed the lock button on the fob twice -- then the light would come on and keep flashing, and the horn would honk once. No repairs have been done recently, and I disconnected the negative battery cable for about 20 minutes to see if it would change, and the light is coming back on. My battery has a few years on it, but it turns the engine and starts just like normal. The battery is a Napa, and it's 9.5 years old. Also, I used ForScan, but don't really know how to use it, and did a basic check on codes and nothing came up. Any thoughts? Thank you.

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Hello, my 02 is running fine, but now my theft light flashes on the cluster. It's not rapid flashing, and it goes away when I start the vehicle. When I turn off the engine and remove the key, the light appears, and it flashes, and flashes. The light used to stay off until I pushed the lock button on the fob twice -- then the light would come on and keep flashing, and the horn would honk once. No repairs have been done recently, and I disconnected the negative battery cable for about 20 minutes to see if it would change, and the light is coming back on. My battery has a few years on it, but it turns the engine and starts just like normal. The battery is a Napa, and it's 9.5 years old. Also, I used ForScan, but don't really know how to use it, and did a basic check on codes and nothing came up. Any thoughts? Thank you.
That's totally normal my 99 explorer does the same thing

I've owned it 20 years, and it wasn't that way. It just started doing it. Is that normal, to all of a sudden change -- maybe as it gets older, like me. ??

I've owned it 20 years, and it wasn't that way. It just started doing it. Is that normal, to all of a sudden change -- maybe as it gets older, like me. ??
Honestly every ford I've driven has the flash when it's off it's a theft deterrent for criminals

Hello, my 02 is running fine, but now my theft light flashes on the cluster. It's not rapid flashing, and it goes away when I start the vehicle. When I turn off the engine and remove the key, the light appears, and it flashes, and flashes. The light used to stay off until I pushed the lock button on the fob twice -- then the light would come on and keep flashing, and the horn would honk once. No repairs have been done recently, and I disconnected the negative battery cable for about 20 minutes to see if it would change, and the light is coming back on. My battery has a few years on it, but it turns the engine and starts just like normal. The battery is a Napa, and it's 9.5 years old. Also, I used ForScan, but don't really know how to use it, and did a basic check on codes and nothing came up. Any thoughts? Thank you.
With my 2010 Edge the light flashes as soon as I remove the key and goes off as soon as I start up. Of course my 1992 XLT doesn't have PATS. I don't think I've ever looked back inside to see if the Pats light was flashing.

How did you get your battery to last 9 1/2 years? I've had batteries last 20 years but not used on a daily driver.

Well, maybe I've just ignored the theft light so well that I forgot about it. I just looked at my '99 F150 and its Theft light is flashing. The Explorer is not a daily driver. I drive it more for out of town trips, and winter time driving. I guess I'll quit worrying about it, thanks all.
