Truck Haven March 17-19 2023 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truck Haven March 17-19 2023


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
Let's go!!:chug:

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I need to get an explorer, I feel like I'm missing out.

Been going there for years putting on corva’s TruckHaven challenge I’ll put this on the calendar and try to make it out

I need to get an explorer, I feel like I'm missing out.
lift the aerostar!

Easier to buy an explorer.

Less than a month to go. Anyone else interested?

Few weeks out....

I won’t be able to make it, i have a race that weekend. I’ll definitely try to make the next one

So we're going to have to watch the weather as we get closer. We're stuck in a rain pattern now, and we are getting storms back to back to back for the foreseeable future. God knows we need it though.

That said Truckhaven is a different place and can be a completely different world. Right now Palm Springs shows rain that weekend, but Salton City is clear. 🤷

I have been thinking about the weather also. It's been a very wet and cloudy winter for us. Our forcasters haven't done a great job of predicting when we will get rain. Hopefully it will dry out in time

Our forcasters haven't done a great job of predicting when we will get rain.
Sunny and hot works 90% of the time.

Sunny and hot works 90% of the time.
the 4 climates at least here in LA. warm but mild, hot, too hot, cook an egg outside

Supposed to be a Pineapple Express series of storms over the next few weeks.
We desperately need it. Lake Powell looks like a small stream instead of a lake

We desperately need it. Lake Powell looks like a small stream instead of a lake
finally pyramid and castaic are starting to come back up, been waiting on this one. still nto al the way up, far from it, but much better than summer.

It rained in Salton City yesterday.. almost an inch.

Tempest - this is the weather station reporting it, and the rain accumulation is at Tempest

The "atmospheric rivers" have been hitting every 2 to 3 days here.. another in a few days. Tahoe is slowly getting seriously messed up.

I'd like to go, but with the rains and winds the way have been around here.. sorry, not going to happen.

We could always push this out if that works better for everyone. I already have the time off, but, I've got plenty to do...LoL.

I'm starting to be concerned about KOH as well, because it's not fun when it's a mud pit out there. Hopefully the dust will be down greatly now though. It was ridiculous last year. 🙄

Also TDS is back on this year. First weekend in March.

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Sierra snow pack is at a decade record and getting deeper. That means the lakes will fill in the spring.
cant wait for fishing season to open this year, some of the lakes (specificslly lundy) looked real low! the ramp went nowhere near the water, it was useless.
