Truckhaven, Jan 14/15/16 2005 Sign Up | Page 8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truckhaven, Jan 14/15/16 2005 Sign Up

I thought CORVA was going to be out there too, so it might be crowded on the side streets. I have always liked that spot just past where we normally camp. It also might keep those losers from driving and riding right through the middle of our camp.

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Hey Fakrwee I'll be up the road from you in La Quinta...are you driving your rig out or trailering it? If you are trailering it do you have any kind of room to fit some axles for Bill on there? I was gonna bring them out for him in my work truck but its being repaired and I don't have room in the bed of my Ranger. It would save Bill a trip out here and i'm sure he'd appreciate it as well as I ;)
Post here or gimme a call (760)333-4781...Thanks,

DB_1 said:
Hey Fakrwee I'll be up the road from you in La Quinta...are you driving your rig out or trailering it? If you are trailering it do you have any kind of room to fit some axles for Bill on there? I was gonna bring them out for him in my work truck but its being repaired and I don't have room in the bed of my Ranger. It would save Bill a trip out here and i'm sure he'd appreciate it as well as I ;)
Post here or gimme a call (760)333-4781...Thanks,

Hey Dave, Im driving the navajo, no trailer and inside is pretty cramped. Bill is taking his pickup so he's ok.

How much are you paying at La quinta.?

This was my last TH 2003. Tom's zuki was out of action on the 1st day.


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I was there for that run.. Box stock but I was there.

Hey Fakrwee, DB-1 lives in La Quinta its a few more miles up 111 from Indio. :)

This was my last TH 2003. Tom's zuki was out of action on the 1st day.
Ahhh. . .makes me think back to the IFS days. :p

Or, go back 5 years. . .

. . .before ANYONE had heard the term 'SAS'

Ray, Sorry about your dad. Hope to see you at Moab.

Jefe said:
Ahhh. . .makes me think back to the IFS days. :p

Or, go back 5 years. . .

Oh, the joy of trashing a yet to be released Sport Trac and wheeling with the Ford engineers. When they acted like they cared about 4Wheeling. They did feed us well!

Jefe said:
Ahhh. . .makes me think back to the IFS days. :p

What a difference a site can make.

Hey Dave, Im driving the navajo, no trailer and inside is pretty cramped. Bill is taking his pickup so he's ok.

How much are you paying at La quinta.?

No problem Tom...and yeah, I actually live out in this godforsaken place :p

Got two xmas trees last night - probably pick up a few more. I'm limiting myself to just 4 this year.

DB_1 said:
No problem Tom...and yeah, I actually live out in this godforsaken place :p

I thought you were staying at a La Quinta Hotel. :confused:

Looks like all the hardcore guys are going.. No stockers this run huh... I feel left out now..haha

Gopher said:
Looks like all the hardcore guys are going.. No stockers this run huh... I feel left out now..haha

It's ok I'll tow you up hills again if you want. :p

Gopher said:
Looks like all the hardcore guys are going.. No stockers this run huh... I feel left out now..haha

Hey Gopher come on down I'll hang with you. I havn't wheeled in a year and will probably take it easy. ;)

Tom R, just let Colin drive your Navajo like he stole it, it needs the workout.

The kid that was working on my truck has bronchatis (I know Bill, bronchatis, schmonchatis...) and only got the front bumper mounted. No tow points up front, except the winch. He could not finish the rear bumper mods or the heim joints on the raduis arms. But at least I can wheel this weekend. ;)

Weather looks good..

BKennedy said:
Tom R, just let Colin drive your Navajo like he stole it, it needs the workout.

Yea right: :D Hey officer Brian, if I drink a little too much, will you be my designated driver and take me to my hotel?

Yea right: :D Hey officer Brian, if I drink a little too much, will you be my designated driver and take me to my hotel?

Well, since I was planning on drinking myself, I think this is one of those "better you than me" situations. We can deal with any of those pesky drinking problems when they arise. :D :confused: :eek:

BKennedy said:
Well, since I was planning on drinking myself, :D :confused: :eek:

Nough said :confused:

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Just got the zuk back. Clutch is fixed!

The damage was really minor - just the clutch disk, blew off the material on the pressure plate side. . There was no damage to the flywheel and minor scoring on the pressure plate. New clutch is a ricer race clutch, which is bonded and riveted.

I'm still on track on leaving SFBay area Friday AM.
