using factory towbar in bumper in oz | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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using factory towbar in bumper in oz


Active Member
February 10, 2003
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City, State
perth australia
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 xl
hi all when i bought my x it has an ugly reece hitch hanging under the rear and i have found that the bumper is a towbar so wha do i have to have this hitch on. is there anything i need to buy to use this factory bumper tow bar or is it complete from the factory. btw i might tow my 6x4 box trailer maybe 2 times a year cheers shaun

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ya thats interesting it would be interesting to find out what load you could tow with it and how strong it is since i got a spare tank i have been thinking about getting a hitch to give it a bit of protection if i get rear ended

The factory bumper mounted hitch is a Class II hitch, and chances are the frame mounted Reese one is a class III

the load rating is stamped on the plastic trim next to the towball hole

The bumper towbar capacity is on the footstep of the towbar in the middle, either side of the towball hole. On my 97 all you do is take the round blank out of the bumper and attach a towball, but mine came with the factory heavy duty towbar so i havnt bothered with the bumper one. Hope this helps.:cool:

All you'll need is a ball for the bumper. It is most likely rated to 3500 lbs or 1590 kilos. It will be more than enough for your trailer.
