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Well-Known Member
November 23, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Bismarck ND
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer SportTrac
My 2001 explorer sportrac needs a 1354 transfer case. I am in bismarck nd.. I have found them online everywhere but here near. Parts yards here nothing.. I could actually use a whole parts vehicle..

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If it's the same as an electric shift model from a 1992 Explorer I have one out in my barn you can have for free! It's a working one I pulled out of my 92' to swap in a manual shift model. I don't want to mess with trying to ship it though you'd need to pick it up or have someone pick it up for you.

If it's the same as an electric shift model from a 1992 Explorer I have one out in my barn you can have for free! It's a working one I pulled out of my 92' to swap in a manual shift model. I don't want to mess with trying to ship it though you'd need to pick it up or have someone pick it up for you.
I am up for the deal.thanks. its a possible road trip.. can u get any matching numbers on your t case with my T case pics ????

I am up for the deal.thanks. its a possible road trip.. can u get any matching numbers on your t case with my T case pics ????
I'll go out this afternoon and see what the tags says and grab a picture.

I have one sitting in my backyard out of a 2005 Ranger FX4 It will fit no problem. Only has 50k on it. Truck was wrecked and sat for years before it was transported to CA and parted out. I'm using the matching Trans with no issues. Make me a offer with shipping and it's yours.

Thnx Great That one will work i am not sure future wise of when to get it. We will need to exchange contact info sometime.about it all!

You are In south dakota ??

I have one sitting in my backyard out of a 2005 Ranger FX4 It will fit no problem. Only has 50k on it. Truck was wrecked and sat for years before it was transported to CA and parted out. I'm using the matching Trans with no issues. Make me a offer with shipping and it's yours.
Thanx .. that would be a good deal ..but I think i have located one from another member here !

Except your front drive shaft will not work with that. Double check the T-Case side mount.

Here is a image of what I have. Includes driveshaft

