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We made the mistake of opting for the Ford all weather floor mats when we ordered our 2016 Ex LTD in late 2015. But, as soon as we took delivery, we saw that we needed to replace those mats with Weather Tech brand after market mate, like we had gotten in our 08 F150 Screw. They are a must in a region that gets snow in the winter. The Weather Tech prices aren't bad. They're a good value.

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I agree. I have been using them in my vehicles for several years now and they are outstanding.

My explorer (used) came with passenger side mats only... Fine with me. Just ordered WeatherTech ones!

I'm waffling between weathertech and Husky contour for my '18 Limited. Either way, I gotta get rid of the carpeted ones it came with!

I'm waffling between weathertech and Husky contour for my '18 Limited. Either way, I gotta get rid of the carpeted ones it came with!
If overall coverage is of concern, the Husky liners are the way to go. The front liners I have cover the whole 'dead pedal' while WeatherTechs do not, looking at pictures. Also, the Huskys cover the carpeted area right over to the door sill. According to other members, they are made from a more durable material. Picutes here in this post; Floor mats/liners/cargo mats
There are several threads on the two liners in the "Discussion" forum.


If overall coverage is of concern, the Husky liners are the way to go. The front liners I have cover the whole 'dead pedal' while WeatherTechs do not, looking at pictures. Also, the Huskys cover the carpeted area right over to the door sill. According to other members, they are made from a more durable material. Picutes here in this post; Floor mats/liners/cargo mats
There are several threads on the two liners in the "Discussion" forum.


Thanks! The more coverage the better for me. I'm hard in stuff, lol. Plus I spend a ridiculous amount of time in my vehicle, constantly in and out tracking in dirt, sand, mud and dust depending on the weather. Plus... kids, and cargo. The back seats and cargo area need just as much help. Lol.

Hubs has weathertech in his F250, but we've only had it a couple months too.

I finally went with Husky after having many replacements of the 2nd row Weathertech.

The 2nd row X Act from Husky is awesome.

Didn’t make the switch in from yet. Those Weathertechs are doing ok.

We made the mistake of opting for the Ford all weather floor mats when we ordered our 2016 Ex LTD in late 2015. But, as soon as we took delivery, we saw that we needed to replace those mats with Weather Tech brand after market mate, like we had gotten in our 08 F150 Screw. They are a must in a region that gets snow in the winter. The Weather Tech prices aren't bad. They're a good value.

We absolutely love Weather Tech mats!

Also went with the Husky Liners, coverage and thickness beat the Techs hands down.
There is the warranty that you don't get with the Techs they used to offer.
Bought both fronts, the middle and the cargo in 2017 as a present to the wife.

I still wish the second row Husky would stay better. It keeps sliding forward.

I've ran husky and weather techs and I would never get another set of husky mats. They keep getting warped and slide around, never had any issues with weathertechs on other hand. I will say that husky has a great warranty as they replaced my mats when the plastic starting breaking down and get really oily and slippery for no reason.

My hubs bought me a full set of Husky Xact mats! Just randomly. He's the beast. I'm excited for them to come!
If overall coverage is of concern, the Husky liners are the way to go. The front liners I have cover the whole 'dead pedal' while WeatherTechs do not, looking at pictures. Also, the Huskys cover the carpeted area right over to the door sill. According to other members, they are made from a more durable material. Picutes here in this post; Floor mats/liners/cargo mats
There are several threads on the two liners in the "Discussion" forum.


Well, the Hubs sweetly ordered me a full set of Husky contour mats yesterday! I can't wait to get them installed.

I still wish the second row Husky would stay better. It keeps sliding forward.

Anyone have a good idea to keep them from sliding forward? Thanks.

Anyone have a good idea to keep them from sliding forward? Thanks.

Search for "floormat anchors" on Amazon and you will have plenty of options to choose from there.

Search for "floormat anchors" on Amazon and you will have plenty of options to choose from there.

Thanks, will give it a look.

Anyone have a good idea to keep them from sliding forward? Thanks.
Don't they have little 'picks' on the bottom that are supposed to grab carpet? My previous ones did.


Don't they have little 'picks' on the bottom that are supposed to grab carpet? My previous ones did.


Nope. Maybe I bought the wrong Huskys?


I bought the 53431 X act contour. Does the 14761 weatherbeater have the picks? Can't see on their site.

edit - On Amazon they show picks for both...but my don't have them.

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The Weatherbeater 2nd row liner I have in the garage has the picks. It was originally ordered for my 2014 MKT and after I used it in my 2017 Platinum. I now have the OEM liners in the Aviator. The OEM liner also has the same picks. I've never used the Contour liners so I can't really comment on those.



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