What Kind of Car Ticks You Off the Most?? | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What Kind of Car Ticks You Off the Most??

i agree with most of u.. i cant stand those stupid ricers and people who lower thier trucks to about half an inch above the ground.. i have to admit though my girlfriend has a 2001 Hundai Accent 5sp which really isnt that bad. i mean she cant afford any better but i drive it when i cant afford to fill the explorer up. drives alright and has some bright headlites... a good car for her... but if she tinted it and pimped it id have to kick her ass ;) I like the new dodges they look cool but i cant stand the rich little *******s at my school with brand new beemers.

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rather drive my stang then a benz or a bemmer....

I hate any Car if the person driving that car doesnt get to highway speed faster them me. And we all know how slow our OHV x's are!!!

I also hate those old style nissan and toyota vans with all that chrome trimming and "arriba" written across the front of the windshield with the salsa music blasting!!!! ...LOL

Almost any car from the '70's and '80's. Hatchbacks, minivans, van, GM products. You name it i probably dont like it (unless its a ford, hummer, jeep, or dodge)


pink triangles and rainbow stickers.

Re: decals

Originally posted by thebigblue92
pink triangles and rainbow stickers.

uh oh her comes the :fire: ...lol. hey maybe someone will make a "calvin peeing on a rainbow sticker" sticker.:D

yeah man i live in vermont.. cant stand those freakin rainbow stickers.

You know what those rainbow stickers stand for don't you.

yeah i know what they mean.. but up here cuz of the civil union thing they also mean other things

Gen X yuppies driving Priusi or Insights, proudly displaying a PETA bumper sticker. :shoot: :redexp:

I think this thread is about hating cars not people. I'm not trying to flame just more interested in the stupid cars.

Whats the difference between a BMW and a porcupine? give up?

the position of the *****?

PETA - People Eating Tasty Animals. right? What's wrong with that?

I hate any car that burns oil, foreign, domestic, older or newer. Fix the motor or son't drive it.

I once saw a Honda Accord(old 80s model) with the strut towers protruding through the hood. And it was being driven.

there is a 97 or 96 mitsu eclipse at my school. it has been slamed, new headlights, ugly ass euro tails, and a dubble winged metal tail that has to be about 2 feet tall. The rims are like 18 inchers with like no tire at all. how he gets it through all the pot holes, i have no idea. oh yeah, did i mention it is bananna yellow?

yeah i think that beats out the peta mobiles :D

The car that I hate: whatever's in front of me slowing me down :D

But yeah, I hate to see Hummers, Range Rovers, etc, that will never see a dirt road in their life. They were made to go off road (and no lady, it doesn't count if you pop the curb in the mall parking lot by accident)

Originally posted by diablo5969
The car that I hate: whatever's in front of me slowing me down :D

But yeah, I hate to see Hummers, Range Rovers, etc, that will never see a dirt road in their life. They were made to go off road (and no lady, it doesn't count if you pop the curb in the mall parking lot by accident)
yeah thats another one for me Hummers and anything lifted thats a PAVEMENT QUEEN! there numerous trucks and suvs at my school that will never see a trail in its life!
