What kind of transmission do I have in my 1997 Explorer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What kind of transmission do I have in my 1997 Explorer?


Elite Explorer
February 6, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
No. Alabama USA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Blue Ex 4.0 SOHC
KAGG 3611 (CB)
Does my '97 4.0 V-6 have a 4R55E in it?

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From WIKI:
The 5R55E, though mechanically similar to the 4-speed 4R55E, was a new breed of electronically controlled automatic transmission with an additional forward gear. It was the first 5-speed automatic transmission to be employed by an American automaker. The 5R55E featured more precise computer controls (necessary to accommodate the additional forward gear) and introduced with a sophisticated friction-to-friction shift ability. Like the 4R44E relative to the 4R55E, a version of the 5R55E was made for lighter duty applications: the 5R44E. An example of these transmissions used in a single vehicle line would be in recent versions of the Ford Ranger pickup where the lighter-duty 5R44E is mated to a 3.0L Vulcan OHV V6 while the heavier duty 5R55E is mated to the more powerful 4.0 L Cologne SOHC V6.

No. You have a 5R55E.
I have a 1997 Ford Explorer Sport with the 5 speed automatic and overdrive has just had the transfer case fail for the 3rd time since I have owned it. Is there a more durable transfer case or transmission and transfer case that can be swapped into it so it will stay fixed?

I have a 1997 Ford Explorer Sport with the 5 speed automatic and overdrive has just had the transfer case fail for the 3rd time since I have owned it. Is there a more durable transfer case or transmission and transfer case that can be swapped into it so it will stay fixed?
Why is it being so unreliable? I haven't been doing any towing or off reading with it.

You have a control trac transfer case
They are not the greatest
It should have Mercon iii in it or ford transfer case fluid Mercon v is too slippery for these old t cases

You can do a control trac delete and run a 1354e t case from a ranger or sport trac
Get rid of the control trac

The 1354e is super reliable

The 5r55e actually uses over drive and first gear to create a false second gear

How long has each case lasted? Are the joints on the driveshafts original?
