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what did you do when you took out the cv's and transfer case? I thought the 4x4s need the cvs in...

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After a year of contemplating, I finally decided to try the Roll-On paint. I can't say I'm fully happy with the result but for less than $100 the truck is 1000 times better than what it was before. :thumbsup:


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The result: :)


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Looks good, Ray. You should get some close up shots so we can really critique your work. :D

now thats what you call blacked out...

Looks good, Ray. You should get some close up shots so we can really critique your work. :D

Haha. I looks really good 6+ feet away. :p: Roll-on paint jobs are reserved to beater cars only. ;)

chances you could do me a hood like that :D thats awesome love the fenders too.

hey...i was wondering how you did the drop on this...i know you can do blocks in the rear...but i dont know how to do the front (its for a 99 AWD mountaineer) any ideas?

I have added 14 guage aluminum sheets to the roll pan to help 'cushion' it when parallel parking in NYC. The pictures were taken before they were painted black.


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it would be a long drive but ill hitup the east coast eventually, if the explorer can tow the jeep or not :D

could you post some pictures of how the exhaust is routed? Love the way it exits in the middle.

I don't carry a spare for weight savings so its routed directly through the middle.

im getting to the point where i need a hood scoop or vented hood to complete the look, can you post up a writeup or tell me exactly how you did the venting, the glassing of the scoop to the hood isnt the issue, i just dont see how you got those vents so clean.

dude, nice X

Subscribing because the next time I'm in Long Island I'm coming by to gawk in person!

00Xplorer you can pick up all types of billet grill/mesh material at home depot or home hardware or ace or whatever you have in your town

Hey ray when you lowered it what did you do to lower it? And by this what i mean is what parts did you get to put on there to lower it? Can i just put lowering blocks on the back and lowering coils on the front iv never done it before and really need advice and i like the way ur truck looks. I have a 2001 explorer sport and 20in' rims please help.

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Awesome mate, awesome.
