Elite Explorer Registry | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Elite Explorer Registry

This is the registry for members of the "Elite Explorers"CLICK HERE TO BECOME AN ELITE EXPLORER
Cpl Dozier's 2001 X Sport Hello, my name is Adam. I have a 2001 Explorer Sport. I lived in Pensacola Florida most of my life but half way through my Senior year my mother moved to Fultondale, Alabama, which is about one mile north of the Birmingham city limit. I graduated high school and joined the Marine Corps obviously by my name on this site. I am currently stationed in Okinawa, Japan, which is where I have been since May of 2004. I will remain here until October of 2007 then I get out of the Marine Corps to become a custom car stereo fabricator and installer. I am going to go to Acoustic Edge Institute in Houston, Texas and take all of the class because it is free and covered by my military VA. I have experience in automobile...