Put your Vehicle in your Garmin GPS | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Put your Vehicle in your Garmin GPS

May 14, 2008
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Eddie Bauer
So I finally got tired of looking at the damn blue cars in the Garmin and decided to see if it could be modified.

I found a few resources, one being http://garmin.com/vehicles/. They have maybe 20 or so there to choose from - the two I think this forum might like would be the SUV (a white SUV) and a blue monster truck.

I read up more on a few forums and found that you can customize them using a photoshop-like program (I used GIMP 2, since it was recommended). You basically convert the garmin model file (.SRF) to a .PNG file (using the link in the next paragraph) and you are able to edit the PNG. It's a really wide image (2881x160) with 2 rows of 36 images of the vehicle in different positions and zooms.

The online converter to back and forth from SRF and PNG is located at http://techmods.net/nuvi/. Basically after you're finished with the .PNG you convert it back to .SRF and load it onto your Garmin via USB.

It took me a few hours (mainly because I wasn't familiar with GIMP 2) but I finally got it looking nice enough for me to be satisfied. I might add some headlights though or try to make the lines a bit better. Here's an example of part of the my .PNG file:


I tried to take a shot of the Garmin screen and the Explorer spinning around, but can't get a good shot w/ my camera phone.

I worked from the white SUV model on Garmin's site and used a feature in GIMP 2 that let me replace a color range (in my case white to silver-ish) with another color range (dark blue & darker blue). I had to go back and paste on the wheels because I forgot they were silver and were replaced. Added some taillights and the Eddie Bauer gold trim and I'm happy.

I think some combination of the tires from the monster truck and the body from the SUV could be awesome.

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It looks a bit distorted because I bumped it up 2x to make animated gif (only to find out animated gif's aren't allowed in profiles, avatars, etc). The actual image is 80x80.


Ok, that is officially cool. :D

I've got the cheap C330 model. :(

D.J.O.R. Netzhauptmann

Nuts, looks really sweat, now i'm going to have to buy a nuvi. I have the older models with the triangle which aren't supported.

I have a Nuvi 200, which is the cheapest current model you can get (I believe).

compatible units:

nuvi series
zumo series
StreetPilot® c510
StreetPilot® c530
StreetPilot® c550
StreetPilot® c580

I see the Nuvi 200 for $160, StreetPilot c530 for $170, and Nuvi 200 Widescreen for $199 on Amazon.com

I have a Nuvi 200, which is the cheapest current model you can get (I believe).

How do you like the 200?? I found referb's for a little less even. They have so many nuvi's its hard to tell what you need. When you bought yours was there any big differences between them? Say a Nuvi 200 vs 250 vs 260? Wifes got a b-day coming up and she is always lost . . .

I know about GPS passion but there are into chipsets. Hope somone might have the 'cliff notes' on it???

double post

How do you like the 200?? I found referb's for a little less even. They have so many nuvi's its hard to tell what you need. When you bought yours was there any big differences between them? Say a Nuvi 200 vs 250 vs 260? Wifes got a b-day coming up and she is always lost . . .

I got it for Christmas - and it works just fine. The only time I lose a signal is if I'm in a parking garage. A few things I like the best about it:

1) Estimated arrival time that alters when you hit traffic, etc.
2) If no destination is set it tells you your current speed (pretty accurate)
3) Detour option

You can use a memory card to add points of interest (I haven't tested yet) and other features/hacks.

I looked breifly at the differences between the versions.

Ones that have a "W" at the end are widescreen
Ones that have a "5" (205, 255) at the end have the MSN Direct "Where am I"?

200 series has lower 48 states, Hawaii and Puerto Rico
250 series is 200 + Canada
260 series is 250 + speaks street names
350 series is 260 + adds mp3 player, audiobook, optional FM traffic alerts
360 series is 350 + adds bluetooth
370 series is 360 + adds Europe
650 series is 350 + widescreen
660 series is 650 + adds bluetooth & FM Transmitter

Models above that you're talking options like MSN direct, Route planning, trip log, speech recognition, etc. and a pricetag of $600+

The 200 is perfect for me. If it senses that it is no longer plugged in to a power source it will prompt you if you'd like to shut down or continue on it's internal battery (which recharges the next time you plug it in). It auto-shuts off after 30 seconds of no external power.

Plus, unlike my wife's Sienna GPS, it doesn't auto-disable menu options when you're going over 3mph :banghead:

Looking at Garmin's site - it looks like there is a Pink Nuvi 200 sold exclusively at Best Buy - if she's into that type of thing.

Great tips.
Pulled the trigger on a Nuvi 250W, needed Canada so looked at 250w for about $170, also liked the 350 but it had a smaller screen, don't think we need street names as we been using an old Street pilot and GPSV. I'll post a pic once we get it.

here is a poor pic of a Nuvi250w.


  • img049sm.jpg
    75.6 KB · Views: 6,888

I got the nuvi 255W.. i first bought the nuvi 250W then i realized that it doesnt say the street names.. went back to the shop and was looking at the 260W and noticed that the 255W model had more features (based on the garmin website..) than the 260W.. just my $0.02.. gramin has been the best brand that i've used so far..

I've been wanting a GPS for the street for some time. You helped me decide on the Garmin:D This is a cool mod:exporange:thumbsup:

I've been trying to find a Dodge Ram for my Garmin. Do you have a copy of your explorer icon? I would like to use it

but I finally got it looking nice enough for me to be satisfied.

times 2. I think it looks great, matches my truck perfectly as is. .
I's so far away from using gimp, i downloaded played around for a few, but got nowhere.
Any chance you could send me a copy of your icon pls. . .

So I finally got tired of looking at the damn blue cars in the Garmin and decided to see if it could be modified.

I found a few resources, one being http://garmin.com/vehicles/. They have maybe 20 or so there to choose from - the two I think this forum might like would be the SUV (a white SUV) and a blue monster truck.

I read up more on a few forums and found that you can customize them using a photoshop-like program (I used GIMP 2, since it was recommended). You basically convert the garmin model file (.SRF) to a .PNG file (using the link in the next paragraph) and you are able to edit the PNG. It's a really wide image (2881x160) with 2 rows of 36 images of the vehicle in different positions and zooms.

The online converter to back and forth from SRF and PNG is located at http://techmods.net/nuvi/. Basically after you're finished with the .PNG you convert it back to .SRF and load it onto your Garmin via USB.

It took me a few hours (mainly because I wasn't familiar with GIMP 2) but I finally got it looking nice enough for me to be satisfied. I might add some headlights though or try to make the lines a bit better. Here's an example of part of the my .PNG file:


I tried to take a shot of the Garmin screen and the Explorer spinning around, but can't get a good shot w/ my camera phone.

I worked from the white SUV model on Garmin's site and used a feature in GIMP 2 that let me replace a color range (in my case white to silver-ish) with another color range (dark blue & darker blue). I had to go back and paste on the wheels because I forgot they were silver and were replaced. Added some taillights and the Eddie Bauer gold trim and I'm happy.

I think some combination of the tires from the monster truck and the body from the SUV could be awesome.
It's excellent! Would you like to share your .srf file for download?

Thank you! Ago1978

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i think we may all be out of luck, last activity by mr 1992 Eddie Bauer was in 07-29-2008
