rear body panel crack? who has it!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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rear body panel crack? who has it!!


Explorer Addict
December 13, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Harrisburg, pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 mountaineer premier
ok so my lawyer finally got back to me about but rear glass and rear panel cracking by the ford/ mercury emblem. ford is really close to opening a recall on the rear glass and the panel. all you need to do if you have this issue is call he ford hotline and make a claim you need your VIN, your name and other info like that. state the issue and that's it.

my lawyer actually bought a 2005 mountaineer and has the same issue. he called ford and reports it the lady kinda slipped and released that they are getting huge numbers of calls with the same issue between the explorer, mountaineer and aviators. also if this keeps up they will be forced to do a recall and basically fix the issue. and the only fix is the 4th gen rear hatch so if you are interested in get it fixed for free call asap. it only took me about 10 minutes to do

also they are getting many reports of the rear glass exploding violently for no reason. the samething that happened to mine

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Ahhhhh, good to know. So all I have to do is give Ford a call and theyll fix it for me? Whats that number? Its always bothered me that the panel was cracked, and especially since it has gotten worse.

I'll call later, good to know.

can someone show me a pic of this, sorry, but Im a fairly nex 3rd gen owner..

so what's the number, and please let me know if anyone has any luck with this....

call Ford at 1-800-392-3673 or NHTSA's auto safety hotline at 1-888-327-4236 or call both. ford reports all there claims ,like the one I posted, to NHTSA also you can call both and that's fine also

call Ford at 1-800-392-3673 or NHTSA's auto safety hotline at 1-888-327-4236 or call both. ford reports all there claims ,like the one I posted, to NHTSA also you can call both and that's fine also

Cheers for the info - i hope it works from this side of the world.

mine is cracked. i think if we can compile a list with pictures and bring this thread to fords attention, it might even speed things up. i have actually been taking pictures of other explorers i have seen with it so i have even more evidence when i bring it to ford. anyway, ill start the pictures off with mine.

by the way, this pic is a little old, the crack goes all the way through now.


  • crack.jpg
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my moms has it next to the emblem all the way down... its an 03

basically they need a certain number of reported issues to make a recall but they said they are close to that number. I bet if we did get a portfolio of pics and the peoples names that own the vehicles that would speed it up. once they issue the recall the whole hatch will most likely get replaced with the 4th gen hatch. hmmmm I wonder why they changed that on the 4th gen but not much else. maybe they new about this problem!!! well everyone try to call in. im on my second glass hatch and it already cracked so hopefully they recall it soon. I don't want another shattered rear window

ok so my lawyer finally got back to me about but rear glass and rear panel cracking by the ford/ mercury emblem. ford is really close to opening a recall on the rear glass and the panel. all you need to do if you have this issue is call he ford hotline and make a claim you need your VIN, your name and other info like that. state the issue and that's it.

my lawyer actually bought a 2005 mountaineer and has the same issue. he called ford and reports it the lady kinda slipped and released that they are getting huge numbers of calls with the same issue between the explorer, mountaineer and aviators. also if this keeps up they will be forced to do a recall and basically fix the issue. and the only fix is the 4th gen rear hatch so if you are interested in get it fixed for free call asap. it only took me about 10 minutes to do

also they are getting many reports of the rear glass exploding violently for no reason. the samething that happened to mine

If you didnt do so already, this should be posted on the main 2002-2005 explorer board as well... I bet some of the "non modded" guys are having this problem as well. The more calls the better...

I know of mine, one other Ex in our town, and one interstate that have the crack. So that's 3 out of 3 ex's I know of that have it (100% strike rate).

Mine cracked Friday. Since then, I have been researching this, and these kind of threads are numerous. People have been talking about a recall since the 3rd gens came out, and while there are several TSBs on the issue, nothing has happened that would result in getting it replaced out of warranty. I talked to my buddy in service for Ford, and of course he said it is a well-known, inevitable issue, but after the factory warrant expires, there is nothing they will do. I talked with a body shop in my area that is very familiar with this as well. The piece glues on instead of bolting or snapping on. They replace a lot of them, and use a urethane glue instead of the glue from the factory. The factory glue dry rots and is the cause of the cracking.

I'm not getting my hopes up for a recall, and I definitely don't want to wait around with this crack in my truck. I already bought a replacement piece from Ford and will make the best of the situation by having the emblem area filled/smoothed out for a shaved look before getting it painted and installed. That's the only emblem left on my truck anyway.

basically they need a certain number of reported issues to make a recall but they said they are close to that number.

It takes a lot more than that. it is standard cost analysis ratio.

Which will cost more. The lawsuits vs. paying to fix in a recall.
Here in the cracked window panel it is very unlikely that you will ever see a recall. As it is merely a cosmetic issue. Not many lawsuits going to be won there.

If it were merely a number of cases reported scenario how many rear ends would Ford have replaced after the warranties ran out??
The rear end issue like the body panel issue will not be resolved by a recall.

It takes a lot more than that. it is standard cost analysis ratio.

Which will cost more. The lawsuits vs. paying to fix in a recall.
Here in the cracked window panel it is very unlikely that you will ever see a recall. As it is merely a cosmetic issue. Not many lawsuits going to be won there.

If it were merely a number of cases reported scenario how many rear ends would Ford have replaced after the warranties ran out??
The rear end issue like the body panel issue will not be resolved by a recall.

I tend to agree.

Called Ford and the lady I spoke to documented a report of my cracked panel and sent it off to an engineer for review.....

this is also safety hazzard that's why it is in need of a recall. the panel is also a support to the glass. when it cracks it puts more preasure on the glass. this causes the rear glass to shatter. a lady that owns a 2004 explorer eb had hers shatter on her. she is blind in one eye from it. its not a cosmetic issue.

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this is also safety hazzard that's why it is in need of a recall. the panel is also a support to the glass. when it cracks it puts more preasure on the glass. this causes the rear glass to shatter. a lady that owns a 2004 explorer eb had hers shatter on her. she is blind in one eye from it. its not a cosmetic issue.

The panel is by no means a support. the glass is just as strong (or lack there of) whether or not the panel is attached.
Plus proving that this caused the problem and not a strewn rock is going to be almost slim to none.

Remember it's what wins in court. This issue is not even a blip on Ford's Radar.
Don't get your hopes up .
