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Kris Guilbeaux's 98 Eddie Bauer "Red Bull"

I am finally making a registry for my 98 Eddie Bauer, lovingly known as Red Bull 2. He got his name after Micheal's 94 XLT which was known as Red Bull. I have owned this explorer for many years but only posted this truck as a project because till today I have never even driven this Explorer around the block.

I bought this Explorer from a wrecking yard in plans to do a first gen frame swap on it. I did the swap for the most part then, once I got down to hooking things up it was going to take a lot more then I expected. so I picked up a 98 Explorer frame and swapped the body back to the correct frame.

Ill update the story more as I go along...

Here are Pictures I took today.




Its a 1998 Ford Explorer eddie bauer
4.0 sohc
5r55e trans
1354 Manual shift
Custom chili pepper red Paint PPG concept
Cut and re-welded front fenders 5" to clear larger tires.
Limited front Grill
Custom leather upholstery (red leather in place of perforated leather)
1" body lift
222K miles on the truck

Lots More to come stay tuned....

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Don't forget the most important part...I welded the 1354 shift stick :D

Photos don't do this truck justice...In person it is AMAZING!!! But here a couple pics from when I visited Kris in 2008 and Red Bull still had a 1st gen frame underneath..




Here are a few pics from the day I found it. The day it became mine was Dec. 10, 2006



...I really like that color...That is real Purdy...:biggthump

nice x keep up good work

I see you went with the XL center console and the 97/98 XLT Pass seat. Any reason why??

I would have kept the center console and had the shift stick to the left like a lot of 4406swaps have.

Cool rig though, diggin' the red paint :).

Red Bull is really...

Red! :thumbsup:

Definitely love the color! :thumbsup:

Kinda curious though as to what kept you from being able to get this thing on a first gen frame?

I always liked the seats.

That is a first gen eddie bauer console and I really didnt want to have to build a custom shifter for the 1354. This 98 Eddie bauer came like that on the passenger seat I dunno why. It also didnt come with a sunroof either which was odd.

I see you went with the XL center console and the 97/98 XLT Pass seat. Any reason why??

I would have kept the center console and had the shift stick to the left like a lot of 4406swaps have.

Cool rig though, diggin' the red paint :).

The Frame was a lot narrower at the front. I could not find an AC condenser or a radiator that I liked with out major changes to the frame rails and custom fuel and brake lines were making my head spin. Its do able I was just running out a patience. LOL

Definitely love the color! :thumbsup:

Kinda curious though as to what kept you from being able to get this thing on a first gen frame?

various photos from the paint work...









Kris, as ALWAYS, your work never ever ceases to amaze me. Fantastic Work, even more fantastic after seeing what it looked like wrecked. I am surprised not see an extensive 2wd to 4wd build up on it though! Heh Heh

Lol well I'm not done yet it was a 2wd as well like most everything I start with but I also have a Dana 44 solid axle that is going in this explorer along with a tube front bumper and winch.. Guess I forgot to mention that

That is a first gen eddie bauer console and I really didnt want to have to build a custom shifter for the 1354. This 98 Eddie bauer came like that on the passenger seat I dunno why. It also didnt come with a sunroof either which was odd.

The non powered passenger seat is odd, I thought that was standard on EB's and LTD's. As far as the moonroof, that was an option on XLT, EB, and LTD. For whatever reason it was never standard equipment, it was just a very popular option.

Ah it just wouldnt be right if it didnt start out as 2wd!!

You are correct about that I think I'm on 5 or 6 4x4 conversions now... Lol

Ah it just wouldnt be right if it didnt start out as 2wd!!

Awesome work

Just a quick update. I have decided it is time to let this rig go. My plans are to finish buttoning up a few things including finishing the 4x4 conversion and sell this Explorer.

He has been a fun project but its time to let him go.

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:-( sad face. But i know it will go to a good home and our work done to it is freaking outstanding.
