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Kris Guilbeaux' New Krawler Project Best of Both World

Ok, its time to announce that I am building a new Crawler, Code Name Red Bull 2. This has been in the building stages since Dec. 06. Due to slow funding and length of project, i chose not to post till I could get some major head way on the Project.

This idea came to me when thinking of ways to make the most ideal Explorer with comfort and function. 1st gens have there good points and Bad points as do the 2nd gens. So with knowing what Like and do not like I should just build an Explorer thats just what I want, which was a 2nd gen on a 1st gen frame... :eek:

I am Sure yall are all thinking this guy is Crazy...

I think your all right...

I start off with a 1992 Parts Truck


Dismantle the 92 and remove the body from the Frame


Dispose of the Body



What I have left!!!


So, Now I have the 1st gen frame covered Now I need a 2nd gen... What Better place to look then at tow truck storage yard. Yup thats right I find a 98 Eddie Bauer with an SOHC V-6 Wrecked and abandoned at the yard with a Clean title!!!


To be Continued...

PS. This project is quite far along. I can not post over a year of Progress in one post please stay tuned as I update you along the way.

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Well I felt like I would give yall a little more info on what I have completed so far.

So after having removed the body and putting it on the 92 Frame I have a Bent 2nd gen frame that needs to be disposed of. and its in my garage so I bust out my Sawzall. and three blades later I have a pile on the side of my house... I am sure my neighbors love me...


Also the trucks core support was sightly damaged in the accident... I chose to pull the core support and fix it. then replace it.


Added picture of repair core support


Since I am building a truck that I am striping down and rebuilding from the ground up I might as well have flashy paint job. I have to prep the body and I cant see waisting my time by doing a tape off paint job.

All part will get painted seperately


Even the Windshild was removed.


I still think I go to far some times...:confused:

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I still think I go to far some times...:confused:

Not that I wouldn't be calling the kettle back, by any means, but yeah sometimes you do :p:

Jeff - :navajo:

With all do respect.. Your the only one I know personally that would do some thing this crazy...

Not that I wouldn't be calling the kettle back, by any means, but yeah sometimes you do :p:

From my yard to the Navajo, you would be absolutely correct, there is something definately wrong with me :confused:

Jeff - :navajo:

Ok Ok, I have been quite lazy and not updated this thread in a while... reason being I dont want to catch up to my current status too quick...

I figured the best way to paint an Explorer while doing a color change you might as well paint it apart and in as many pieces as you can.

I chose to Use a high quality single stage paint Vs. base/Clear. Cost was not a factor but the fact that this is going to be a trail truck I wanted some thing I buff out the trail pin striping.

I chose bright red and had it mixed in PPG Concept single stage paint.


As you can see I didnt have to use much masking tape or paper to paint the body.. LOL


Lookin hot! :cool:

Make sure that you paint the whole engine bay, especially the top radiator support and along the inner fender top edges. Looks great,

Is that your spray booth???

Don't paint it up too pretty or you won't want to get it rock-rashed! ;)

I will still Wheel it hard Mr. Evil... I will have to keep up with you on the Trails...

Is that your spray booth???

I wish Rick... My good friend Chris owns this booth. He owns some really flashy cars.. Sadly i am not as well off as he is.


Looks great!Any updates?

Honestly I have just been to lazy to update and since this project is not # one on the Explorer projects. Since I have the 92 XLt and 92 Navajo projects taking all my time and $$$ this one is kinda just chillin in the garage.. but it is a lot farther along I just need to post some more about the build up..

Say Kris, can you guess as to the frame difference in the transfer case area? Can you suggest if the big BW4406 will clear the old frame like the 95+ trucks?

Looks great Kris. Your work and attention to detail is always top notch.

Say Kris, can you guess as to the frame difference in the transfer case area? Can you suggest if the big BW4406 will clear the old frame like the 95+ trucks?

From what I could tell there would be minimal or no difference between the two frames. I could always measure my 99 frame and the 92 frame. The 98's original Frame has long since gone to a metal recycler. But since all the main body Mounting points are exactly the same minus the core support I would assume the same width.

I'd guess that also, but I didn't take measurements of the frame, just the body mount pads. Matt here is pondering a BW4406 and 302 in his 92 truck.

I have not updated this project at all. I feel bad because after all the work I have done to it at this point is Now going to get put back to a 98 Frame.

Although the 92 frame would work it will require so much more work to make this happen then I am willing to put in to it.

So I purchased a 98 XLt that I have been parting out. and I will be swapping the red body on to this Frame.

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