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Corkey's Ranger of Danger

so i did some more on this thing today,
ground of the spring mount rivets,


than fit the one spring in place,

front eye is close,

back eye not so much,

than i went around to do the other side the same,

so far the bumper is this high, should be higher when on the 35's,

guess that oil drum will not be tall enough soon,,

more to come soon, i am going to pick up new spring mounts and bolts for them tomorrow,

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Looks like a good start;) Probably won't sit quite that high since you've got it at full droop right now plus the front end isn't lifted...or it doesn't appear to be.

should see how high it will be with the back done in the next few days.
I think the droop will be picked back up when the tires are on, or the body lift is bolted on.
Hoping i don't have to cut too much for the tires, but i do have some fender flares to go on too,

No the front is not done yet, after the back is done i will turn it around and get the front all apart,

I crashed hard the last couple of days to get this thing going , and got the back all done,

sits nice,

lots of clearance under there,

who is this guy ?

help, i have fallen , and i can't get up,,

long way up,

more to come, stay tuned,,

Crazy Canuak trying to be like steve, :D :thumbsup:

Looking good, did the back end up being as high as you though it would?

it is pretty close, once the body lift is on it will be right where i want it,


what's this ??? :D:D:D:D:D:D


  • d 30 front,.jpeg
    d 30 front,.jpeg
    99.8 KB · Views: 632

Looks like a HEEP axle. :eek:

How's the truck coming along? -1 year late-

And, half the pics don't work anymore. :(

the snow is almost gone now, and work will get going pretty soon,,
i shelved the Dana 30 idea, and took off the radius arms to lengthen them instead,,
i want to run the ttb instead,,

why TTB over the dana 30... other then the dana 30 not being all that strong. Unless of course your not going over 33's

i want to run 35 inch tires,, and the 30 won't handle them,,

the ttb will ,although not much better,,but better enough for me,,

valid point.why not a 30 with 44 knuckles? and get strong universals for the front axles

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never mind its not the u joints that break its the part of the axle that the u joint goes in that breaks.
