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"NAV SD Card Fault"

sd card fault

The screen has frozen on the street name, gone blank at times with a small line through it, and works off and on. Also, the iPod works off and on, and when selecting Sirus it randomly requests a disk? I have had it to the dealership and they called Ford for a resolution after they couldn't repair it. Per Ford, the engineers were working on a "fix" and would get back to us. But no tme frame was given. I have called Ford several times myself. But have yet to get any answers. They are looking into the issue and will get back to me and the dealership. They are aware of the issue. Thanks,

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The screen has frozen on the street name, gone blank at times with a small line through it, and works off and on. Also, the iPod works off and on, and when selecting Sirus it randomly requests a disk? I have had it to the dealership and they called Ford for a resolution after they couldn't repair it. Per Ford, the engineers were working on a "fix" and would get back to us. But no tme frame was given. I have called Ford several times myself. But have yet to get any answers. They are looking into the issue and will get back to me and the dealership. They are aware of the issue. Thanks,

you can try a Master Reset first (while parked) - If you go into the settings in MFT its an option. Try that first, if it doesn't fix it, try disconnecting the battery for 10 minutes.

My guess is that the dealer already tried those things, but dealers aren't always the brightest when it comes to these new-fangled gizmos.

The screen has frozen on the street name, gone blank at times with a small line through it, and works off and on. Also, the iPod works off and on, and when selecting Sirus it randomly requests a disk? I have had it to the dealership and they called Ford for a resolution after they couldn't repair it. Per Ford, the engineers were working on a "fix" and would get back to us. But no tme frame was given. I have called Ford several times myself. But have yet to get any answers. They are looking into the issue and will get back to me and the dealership. They are aware of the issue. Thanks,

Is this the pop-up you receive when you press on Sirius?



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    No Disc Message.jpg
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Navigation Fault

After the upgrade, (with a new SD card), I have got a navigation fault about 3-4 times. I have to eject and reinstert the SD card 1-3 times to get this to correct itself. Does this sound like a bad SD card or a bad reader? I am kind of assuming the former since I didn't have this problem until the update.

Exactly same issue for me... symptoms, etc. I did a master reset about a week ago and have not seen issue since. Am keeping an eye on it. Did reset with new card in reader.

SD card Fault 2

I have been having problems with my Nav system/radio. When I start by car I get this same report as everyone else saying please insert valid SD Nav card. It works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't. Also, now it's started not letting me turn the radio on. Turn it off a couple times and still won't come on. I got on sync my ride and they said to order a new nav card and download the updated software. I just got the new nav card in and when you put it in it say Nav SD card fault2 and it doesn't work either. Do i need to update the software with a USB drive?

I have been having problems with my Nav system/radio. When I start by car I get this same report as everyone else saying please insert valid SD Nav card. It works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't. Also, now it's started not letting me turn the radio on. Turn it off a couple times and still won't come on. I got on sync my ride and they said to order a new nav card and download the updated software. I just got the new nav card in and when you put it in it say Nav SD card fault2 and it doesn't work either. Do i need to update the software with a USB drive?
Yes, the new A4 SD card ONLY works with MFT version 3.5.1 which you can download to a USB from SyncMyRide.

I tried to download the file onto a thumb drive and it says it can't find the file and that it has to be located on the root of the drive. I took the file out of the folder and just copied the contents and it still didn't work. I just wish it was an easy update. Seems so hard to make all this work.

Just download the file to your USB drive. I don't remember the file's extension, but don't unzip, place into a different folder, etc. Just download the file to basically the root directory on the USB. For example, USB h: just put the file in h:MFT_File. Sorry for the oversimplified example, but I think you're overthinking the process.

We were having this issue a lot after the dealer did the latest update and replaced the nav card. Noticed on the web site that it would still let me order another A4 card, once I received and installed it, no more errors. Leads me to believe it was a problem with the card itself.

Navigation Fault in 2012 Explorer with Sync / MFT

I have a 2012 Explorer Limited. I’ve updated the Sync system to the 3.5.1 MFT software, and replaced the Navigation SD card with the new A4 card.

About every other day, I get a “Navigation Fault” indicated on the screen. The only way I have found to clear this issue is by either removing/re-inserting the Nav SD card, or by performing a “Master Reset”. Regardless of the procedure I use to clear the navigation issue, the “Navigation Fault” error recurs within a day or two. Also of interest here may be that after removing/re-inserting the Nav SD card, the MFT will reboot the next time the car is started. That is, I see the SYNC flash page, and then “Performing Scheduled System Maintenance” message. After booting, the music on my USB stick is re-indexed.

I’ve taken the Explorer in for service to correct this issue. So far, they have replaced the media hub – with the hope that this repair would solve the navigation fault issue. However, after this procedure was done, and before I could drive the car out of the Ford Service parking lot – the Navigation issue occurred again. I alerted the service technician to the issue while I was still there. Obviously, swapping out the media hub was not the correct repair procedure for this particular issue.

The Ford service technician now wants to replace the APIM. He has ordered the part – and I am waiting for that part to arrive – and to schedule my third service appointment to address the navigation issue.

My question for you is: Does anyone know what is causing this issue, and what corrective action to take?

Replacing the APIM seems a bit extreme, given that the service tech has not yet tried replacing the A4 SD card – which would be very easy to try. I also wonder if the issue could possibly be caused by a faulty GPS sensor?


My Explorer is experiencing the same problems since the 3.5.1 update. I never had a problem with the navigation prior to this update. Now, my navigation screen stays locked, or puts me on Avenue of the Americas in Detroit (I live in Louisiana!)

Multiple times per day, the system 'reboots' itself (5-10min) during which I lose my radio signal. Very annoying.

The dealer has reinstalled the system, with no luck.

I am anxious to see if anyone else is having this issue and if there is a possible work-around or fix.

The dealer has reinstalled the system, with no luck.

I am anxious to see if anyone else is having this issue and if there is a possible work-around or fix.


Here's an update to my situation with my 2012 Explorer Limited. The symptoms were: Frequent display of the "Navigation Fault" message. The problem could be cleared by removing/re-inserting the SD Nav card. This was followed by a reboot of the MFT system when the car was restarted. Followed by a re-index of all the music on the USB stick. This whole process repeating about every 2 days. The above issue started soon after installing the 3.5.1 MFT software.

I've been to the Ford shop 3 times now. First time for diagnosis. Second time for a new "media hub" which did nothing to address the issue. Third time for a new APIM. When they installed the new APIM - I also noticed they gave me a different A4 SD Nav card. I had placed a small pen mark on the previous card - so I know the SD Nav card I have now is not the same card I started with.

So I've had the car now for 2 days since the third visit - and so far - no problems. I had to reset the clock, reset my sync preferences, re-index my music on USB, and re-pair my phone. But that's it. The car remembered my radio stations, my seat memory setting, and my door entry code.

Assuming that the problem stays fixed, I do not know if the success of the fix is due to the APIM replacement, the A4 SD Nav card replacement, or a combination of both. I will be glad if it stays fixed.

I assume the APIM is in the dashboard somewhere, and as far as I can tell, the repair tech did not mess up the dash trim in anyway that I can see - which is really good. I was a bit worried about this.

That's all for now - I'll post more if the issue recurs - or something else comes up.

congrats - hope it's fixed for you !

my ASSumption (WAG :) ) about the card is that it gets 'married' to the nav unit so it can't be moved from car to car ?!? who knows - I haven't takent he time to learn how to use it yet, much less the ins and outs :)

Michael, I will pass along your info to my dealer. Thank you for that update!

This weekend, I discovered that when I disconnected my iPhone 4S, everything worked perfectly. When I reconnected the phone, the system immediately locked up again. Any chance you have an iPhone 4S?

Michael, I will pass along your info to my dealer. Thank you for that update!

This weekend, I discovered that when I disconnected my iPhone 4S, everything worked perfectly. When I reconnected the phone, the system immediately locked up again. Any chance you have an iPhone 4S?


I do not have an iPhone. I have a rather old Samsung T349 - which does have Bluetooth. When I was having the issue with the Navigation fault - I did an experiment where I shut off the Bluetooth feature of my cell phone - and the car still got the Navigation fault after a couple of days - without a phone paired to it.

If the issue is triggered by a cell phone/Bluetooth connection, I would think that it is totally a software issue - and no amount of Ford replacement hardware would correct such an issue.

The other possibility in my mind is some kind of sensor fault - such as a GPS sensor/receiver. Sensor faults can be random and intermittent - and if the MFT software is not designed properly to handle such faults, it could potentially lead to a system crash/reboot. And while a sensor fault could easily explain the symptoms I was having, the Ford service people have so far not replaced any sensors that I know of.

BTW - I'm a computer engineer and I troubleshoot buggy software/hardware all the time - and I know how to logically analyze these sort of problems to the root cause. If the "Navigation Fault" issue was a software issue - I think a lot more people would be bitterly complaining about it. It appears to me that Ford is following a simple script of replacing one piece of hardware at a time - and then sort of wait-and-see if that action corrected the issue. So far, in my car, the system is working, but I would say I need to go about a month without getting a Nav fault before I'll feel confident that the issue is totally resolved.

Good to know. For what it's worth, we connected my husbands phone to the car (same iphone, but he has an older iOS.). There were no problems when his phone was connected.

They are taking my car in this week, and I will send them all of this info. Good luck! I hope it holds for you!

That's all for now - I'll post more if the issue recurs - or something else comes up.

I'm glad to see your issues were resolved, Michael Bishop! Don't hesitate to shoot me another PM if you start experiencing any other concerns.

congrats - hope it's fixed for you !

my ASSumption (WAG :) ) about the card is that it gets 'married' to the nav unit so it can't be moved from car to car ?!? who knows - I haven't takent he time to learn how to use it yet, much less the ins and outs :)

Hey, JohnBoyToo!

The SD cards are interchangeable, as long as you have MFT with navigation on your vehicle. :) If you need help learning the system, just holler.

Michael, I will pass along your info to my dealer. Thank you for that update!

This weekend, I discovered that when I disconnected my iPhone 4S, everything worked perfectly. When I reconnected the phone, the system immediately locked up again. Any chance you have an iPhone 4S?

Hi, Orrobbins!

Try turning Auto Phonebook Download off, and make sure you don't have any emoticons in your contact's names. Let me know if that helps.


Good morning Rebecca!
I have been setting the contact download to "off" since this problem started, and I do not have any emoticons in my phonebook. For good measure, I turned off the emojii keyboard.

My dealer gave me a new SD card to try, but this didn't help either. The problem only resolves when I delete my phone, and it recurs the moment I reconnect my phone.

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I'm glad to see your issues were resolved, Michael Bishop! Don't hesitate to shoot me another PM if you start experiencing any other concerns.


Unfortunately, the problem recurred again yesterday. Same symptoms: "Navigation Fault". I shut off the car, and waited awhile, then restarted the car, but the Nav fault was still present. I removed/re-inserted the SD Nav card. This cleared the fault. After shutting off the car, waiting awhile, and then restarting it, the SYNC system immediately re-booted. After reboot, music on the USB stick is re-indexed. Given that these are the exact same symptoms as before, I surmise that the issue is not resolved, and will likely occur again in short order.

I won't be able to get the car back into Ford service until next week, at the earliest. If anyone has suggestions of things to try, I'm listening.

I suspect that the SYNC system is somehow losing communication link with a Navigation/GPS sensor - and that this is the root cause of the issue, but I'm only guessing here. So far, the Media Hub, A4 Nav SD Card, and the APIM have been replaced.
