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Keeper's Explorer. Take two.

Welcome to my new registry. This is my 2000 Explorer XLT. Bought it from the original owner for $3,400. Came with the owners manual, and the paper work to prove it's been dealer maintained. When I purchased the Ex, it had 111,000 on the odometer, a small tear in the leather of the drivers seat, some sand in the back( take it the guy was a surfer, found a few surf board fins in the jack storage area). Gonna do a alignment when I get the chance, and start transferring all my mods from my Sport into this.

As she stands when I brought her home.






How she currently stands.


Current Mods:



  • Sylvania Silverstars for the headlights.
  • x2 Hella 500 driving lights.
  • Fog light/ High beam mod.
  • LED Puddle lights, license plate lights.

Engine:4.0L SOHC

Suspension and Brakes

Drive Train

Projects for the future:
  • Quick disconnects for front and rear sway bar.
  • Possibly LS up front.

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I like that album you put up, some great shots in there

Pics look good. :thumbsup:

Bored today instead of working on homework I played with some pictures that CJExplorer took up at T-haven. This is what I got.

Heres a photoshopped picture for ya;)


  • 111.jpg
    82.3 KB · Views: 413

I was up in Lake Tahoe for new years, and managed to get a few pictures of Take Two.




My younger brother and two of my best buddies and I.


And one of me at a rest stop.


Looks like it's getting close to the time where I need a new battery. I'm looking for some suggestions on which brand I should look at picking up. Nothing crazy like a Red or Yelllow Top.

..I recently picked up a 2 month old Yellow top for $100...

..I would suggest getting a yellow over a red...

Something to think about..

...If you are planning to offroad the vehicle just remember most wet cell batteries will not withstand the jarring and bouncing around as the gel cells will..Usually one of the cells will fail...;)

Wow that's a pretty good deal, mind giving me a hint in the right direction for that deal? I really hadn't considered the battery make up in regards to offroading, still learning I guess.

..I usually find the yellowtops on dezertrangers for that price...Guys buy them when they are building their trucks and they just sit...They are one of the first things sold for quick cash at half the price of new..

..Craig's is another place but always ask for the production date on the battery and make sure to physically see the production date sticker and test the battery..

..I know they are bank now but new ones get you a good warranty thru like pepboy's down the street..;)

I guess I'll have to be a little more attentive in my DR searches. If I do pick up a optima do I need to get a new tray for it it sit in? I've seen a few around on different sites, they all look fairly universal, would mounting be difficult in the stock location or is it as easy as it seems in my mind of drilling holes in the tray and reusing stock holes in the Explorer?

..They come new with little plastic clips for mounting in the stock location..

..The battery hold downs are far superior and can be bolted on your stock tray but may need some adjusting with a grinder...:D

..For everything to know about an Optima battery check this out..

..For the Optima hold downs check this out..

..You can also find the battery boxes cheap on DR privately and thru there vendors..the standard battery and battery box to look for are the 34/78 model as these are most commonly used..;)

Lots of great information there Tbars, great post. Definitely helping me solidify the suggestions for a Optima. Once I get paid at the beginning of next month I'm gonna start putting in some orders for the tray and start searching for a battery. :thumbsup:

...Keep an open mind and I'm sure others will have some input on other batteies also..:D

..But there is a reason they use these in all different aspects of offroading and dirt/rock racing..

...It is an investment but if you play in the desert, go to the snow in the mountains, then beat on your truck in the rocks, a gel cell can take the extremes...;)

Well all this talk of new batteries and trays and I forgot that I was getting close to a milestone. Today on my way home from school this happened.


Welp, I've got a nail in the side wall of my right rear tire. Took it over to America's Tire, and with my warranty it's getting replaced. It'll give me a fresher spare when I get a new set of tires so that's a bonus I guess.

Also put in my order for a Optima battery box, and on the first I'm going to put in another order for the battery itself. Hopefully I'll have the whole shebang mounted up and working as soon as possible.

142 k. Catching up to Jp. Although you'll probably pass her in a few months

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