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Transmission Service


Well-Known Member
April 3, 2014
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2005 Ford Explorer XLT
I have a rebuilt transmission in my Explorer with about 25k miles on it and I want to get the fluid changed.

Has anyone had a fluid service done at a dealership and can share how much they paid?

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Our Ford Dealership uses BG Products for their transmission flush/service.

Including a new filter, it was 170 out the door. That included a cleaning agent and some sort of anti-chatter fluid.

At 100,000 or so miles, she runs like a champ! (but I also drop the pan and put a new filter in every 25,000)

This was the first time i did the "flush".... I'll continue dropping the pan and replacing the 5 qts from now on

Just talked to my contact at the dealer $249 for transmission fluid service

Just talked to my contact at the dealer $249 for transmission fluid service

I had the "tranny pan fluid and new filter" in my Ex done last year at a local tranny repair shop. $150 tax included out the door. Make sure you ask the tranny tech if he found any contaminants in the pan or filter or metals by the magnet. The tech said mine was spotless. My tranny was rebuilt nearly 4 years ago, still running good, no issues. Also, many in here would recommend not getting a "full" tranny flush done, just get the pan fluid (approx. 7qts) change and a new filter.

I might take it to my mechanic. From what I understand, our transmissions require a special fill adapter? Is that true?

I might take it to my mechanic. From what I understand, our transmissions require a special fill adapter? Is that true?

Yes on fill adapter for adding fluid to these closed system transmissions. Below is a link for one type and a short video of how fluid is added and level checked by Mackuloco2000. It's the first post in the link. Depending on your specific transmission, you may need a certain size nipple adapter. I think you can buy this type of nipple adapter at Home Depot, Lowe's etc. Check and see what specific tranny you have. Also, the gasket around the tranny pan are re-usable as long as they aren't leaking currently.

Hopefully my mechanic has this adapter. Then I won't have to worry about it.

I might take it to my mechanic. From what I understand, our transmissions require a special fill adapter? Is that true?

it can be bought on Amazon though... its like $12.99

I did my own on my mustang ( has same trans as your Explorer)
here is a write up I did a few years ago....

I just bought a 1/8" npt X 2" brass nipple at Home Depot for $3. Tapered one end on my bench grinder so the hose would slip over it, threaded the other end into the trans pan. Worked like a charm.

Here is what I got...
13 quarts Motorcraft Mercon v fluid
1x Motorcraft FT140 Filter
1x ATP FG25 pan gasket

Is there anything else I need?

Had the pan dropped today. Changed fluid and filter....old fluid was a darker brown color. Not black.

Noticed a difference in transmission performance right away. I highly recommend the service!

I had mine done, drop pan ,change filter and add fluid at the place that changes my oil.
Cost was $100. It had 120,k miles. They said filter and fluid looked good.
It changed good for a while, but now if I make a panic stop, when I start the motor revs up and it jerks when it starts to move.
I left it parked on a steep incline on Thanksgiving day and when I started that nite it was 27º. It almost didn't go in reverse then when I got backed into the road it almost didn,t go in drive.
When it warmed up I had no problem. Does this sound like low fluid?
Do I need to make another post for this???
If so Mod please move. Thanks
I havn't put 3000 miles since the change. I don't drive it often.

Take it back to the shop with your receipt and tell them to check the fluid level.

For clarification/tie it all together...

For filter & pan fluid change it's 7 quarts Mercon V.
New filter.
Store-bought adapter or 1/8" npt nipple.
Something to push the fluid in...(looking for ideas here...)

Idle it until warm, then pull fill hose off adapter & allow to drain until it dribbles.
Remove adapter & reinstall plug.


For clarification/tie it all together...

For filter & pan fluid change it's 7 quarts Mercon V.
New filter.
Store-bought adapter or 1/8" npt nipple.
Something to push the fluid in...(looking for ideas here...)

Idle it until warm, then pull fill hose off adapter & allow to drain until it dribbles.
Remove adapter & reinstall plug.


After you refill the tranny pan to full after changing the filter, start the engine till it is up to normal operating temp, then with the engine running and wheels off of the ground, shift thru each gear giving it some gas and add more fluid once each shift solenoid has opened up to allow more fluid in. until it is topped off and full.
In Dec 2013, I took my Ex into a local tranny shop for a new filter and pan fluid change (aka Tranny tune up) and after they changed the filter and pan fluid, they gave the vehicle back to me without starting it up while on the lift and shifting the tranny thru the gears. I knew this because my Ex was the only vehicle in the shop that day and I could hear the guy working on it from the front office where I sat on a stool. They didn't test drive it either, which was strange. So I took it up the street for my own test drive and as I drove up an on ramp to a 55 mph highway, the tranny slipped going from 2nd shift into 3rd. I turned around and took it back to them. I told the mechanic about the tranny slipping so he took it back in the shop and raised it up on the lift. Next I heard him start the engine and shift the vehicle thru the gears and I could hear the wheels spinning. Once he was done, he gave it back to me and the owner of the shop came in and told me they had to add another 1 1/2 to 2 quarts of fluid. This extra fluid they added made all the difference and it has been running good ever since. The shop never properly refilled the tranny the first time by starting the engine up and shifting it thru the gears and then add more fluid once each shift solenoid opened up. They tried to pull a fast one on me and tell me my tranny had issues, but I was wise to the refill procedure. I had no issues in my tranny prior to the tranny tune up.

For clarification/tie it all together...

For filter & pan fluid change it's 7 quarts Mercon V.
New filter.
Store-bought adapter or 1/8" npt nipple.
Something to push the fluid in...(looking for ideas here...)

Idle it until warm, then pull fill hose off adapter & allow to drain until it dribbles.
Remove adapter & reinstall plug.


Mine didn't take 7 quarts, more like 5 IIRC. Can't hurt to buy 7, I guess.

Watch this:

Mine didn't take 7 quarts, more like 5 IIRC. Can't hurt to buy 7, I guess.

Watch this:

True can't hurt to buy extra but since there's no dip stick I would be pushing the entire quantity -- whatever that may be --in. All manuals say don't over fill and I don't know if damage can occur at 5 minutes, or 5 days.

So we're not agreed on 7?

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I don't think its 7 either.

I just did a pan drop and filter change on my parents 2005.

i thought the fluid would be low but i checked the level before i dropped the pan and with the fluid up to temp and it running i pulled the center plug and fluid just came running out, almost like it was overall by half a quart or so.

so anyways i continued to pull the bigger plug and let it drain, dropped the pan and it was very clean, no gray buildup like I expected it to have and the magnet had minimal metal on it. so i continued to clean the pan anyways and change the filter and reinstalled the pan, then i put in about 4 to 5 quarts of fluid into the pan and put the plug back in, i took it for a run around the country block to get it up to temp again and pulled it back in the garage and pulled the small plug and again fluid just came running out so i waited for it to slow when it was down to a constant drip i put the plug back in.

then i took it for a drive again and it shifted fine etc.

I would imagine it was overfull.....anyone else come across that? Since they have had it the pan hasn't been dropped so i assume its been done before either at the dealer etc.

the fluid color wasn't terrible, kind of a darkest red.
