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How would I contact them to see if they are willing to send me one? I wouldn't be able to inspect it before I get it. The main problem area is the metal tab which cracks off at the end. This is what originally caused these issues with the sliding door. Take a look at the photos in this link:
Everyone has a phone with a camera, have them send you a picture before they pull it. This is a place when they pull a part they take the time to remove a part the way you would install it.

[MENTION=42004]BrooklynBay[/MENTION], how do you remove that side door track, and what years will work on yours?

It's not so easy to remove the track since you have to remove the interior panel in the van behind the track to get to 5 nuts. The sliding door has one nut on the bottom track, and two nuts on the top track to remove the door. The door slides back toward the rear. The end of the track has a stopper to prevent the door from coming off accidentally. The older vans had one screw in the stopper. The newer models just popped off with a hammer & punch. Pretty much any year will work as a replacement track. I've been searching for a replacement track for a while but can't locate anybody with it in stock. I was looking into making my own track right before you posted this. I can't use my sliding door until I get a different track.

[MENTION=42004]BrooklynBay[/MENTION], interior panel removal should be easy, since removal in junkyard is pretty much whatever it takes, regardless of damage :shifty_ey

Could I remove the 5 track nuts, remove the "one nut on the bottom track, and two nuts on the top track to remove the door", push out and let the door fall to the ground with the desired track still attached, then attempt removal of it from the door?

FYI, I am not planning on a junkyard trip soon, but will check this thread to see what people are needing. I should have checked before now since I have made two trips this month...

Be careful when you slide the door along the track. The track could twist & bend. Hold the door while you carefully slide it out, then remove the 5 nuts inside the van behind the interior panel. Check to see if the mounting tab near the strike is cracked before you go through all of this.

What transmission are you going to use? the aerostar clutch line won't work with the ranger m5od or TK5. The 4.0L aerostar was never offered with a manual, but it is actually pretty easy to put one in. I've done 3 to date. Get an ecm for a ranger or explorer of the same year. If you are using the ranger m5od you will need a longer drive shaft, I used one from a lincoln mark 8. It has 1330 U joints and all the vans I have owned have 1310 so find a tail shaft from a C4 or a T5. would be great if you wrote an aerostar five speed swap guide. would be great if you wrote an aerostar five speed swap guide.

I will write one up. I didn't think there was that much interest. If I did another T5 I'd use one from a V8 with the shifter attached.

[MENTION=42004]BrooklynBay[/MENTION], you got a PM...

I was making my rounds to the junk yards with no luck today, then I saw a tow truck towing an Aerostar! I caught up to the truck, and asked the driver if I could have the track. He looked at it, said that it's a big job to remove it, and didn't want to remove the door. He was in a hurry to send this van to the crusher.

The van looked like it was in better condition than any of my vans. It had no rust or dents, and the interior was is good clean shape. I refused to take no for an answer. I followed the truck to the crushing place, then asked the guy if I could take the track. The person in charge let me have it. The tow truck driver then agreed to help me remove the track while I removed the door.

The van had many good parts that I could have used but I couldn't get greedy, and push my luck. He let me take the track for free plus let me take the hub caps.

I was making my rounds to the junk yards with no luck today, then I saw a tow truck towing an Aerostar! I caught up to the truck, and asked the driver if I could have the track. He looked at it, said that it's a big job to remove it, and didn't want to remove the door. He was in a hurry to send this van to the crusher.

The van looked like it was in better condition than any of my vans. It had no rust or dents, and the interior was is good clean shape. I refused to take no for an answer. I followed the truck to the crushing place, then asked the guy if I could take the track. The person in charge let me have it. The tow truck driver then agreed to help me remove the track while I removed the door.

The van had many good parts that I could have used but I couldn't get greedy, and push my luck. He let me take the track for free plus let me take the hub caps.
you didn't try to buy the whole van?no place to keep it?

[MENTION=42004]BrooklynBay[/MENTION] , you want another one, if I hit the junkyards tomorrow, or in the future...?

These guys that have crushing facilities won't sell any parts from them, not even plastic lights. They aren't the type of people that will sell the whole thing either. I've tried in the past with other places. One junk yard that sells parts had a van but wouldn't sell me anything. I don't know why. The worker was afraid to talk to me, and told me to talk to the boss. I went into the office, and the guy told me that he didn't have any vans. I told him that one was in the yard, and he said in an angry voice "I just told you that I don't have these vans". I went back to the worker, and asked him if I could look at it. He sounded like he was afraid of getting fired, and said that he couldn't help me.

I would have offered to take the whole thing but I don't have a place to store it while I strip it for parts plus these guys wouldn't sell it anyway. I'm sure if they would have sold it, they would want some ridiculous price.

If you go to the junk yard for the van, please take a look to see if you could get the plastic hose with rubber ends that goes from the washer tank to the spray nozzles. Some place that I went to for an inspection stole my hose while it was up on his lift. The guy also put a pry bar in one of my brake calipers, and broke my brake pads, shim plate, and anti rattle clip on that side, then told me that he can't give me an inspection sticker because my front brakes are bad. He wanted to do a brake job. I could also use the adapter which connects the wiper motor to the wiper arm assembly. It has one bolt on the motor so it's easy to remove. The piece on mine stripped a few weeks ago when the wipers were jammed with ice. I used a longer bolt with a lock washer to get it going again until I get a replacement part. Find out how much the wiper adapter, wiper module (my wipers don't auto park anymore, washer tank hose, and sliding door track will cost with shipping.

[MENTION=42004]BrooklynBay[/MENTION], where's the wiper module?

I did get a sliding door track...

The track on my 1989 van is broken too so it will come in handy. Thanks! Did you get the plastic hose, and the wiper motor arm cam? The wiper module is under the dashboard. Here's a photo from my Ford software:


  • Aerostar wiper module & low oil relay..jpg
    Aerostar wiper module & low oil relay..jpg
    43.2 KB · Views: 317

Did you get the plastic hose, and the wiper motor arm cam? The wiper module is under the dashboard.

I went to the junkyards in the morning on the 20th, so I got nothing but the track. The tab appears to be perfect. The only thing I noticed is some of the black finish is flaking off the main rail.

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