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Bring - a - Trailer

See, you guys are just reinforcing my thoughts about BAT.
Have a 36' RV, 20' jet boat, the Explorer and my Silverado to put in there, so it's about 1/3 full already.
The glass is still 2/3 empty.

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See, you guys are just reinforcing my thoughts about BAT.
Have a 36' RV, 20' jet boat, the Explorer and my Silverado to put in there, so it's about 1/3 full already.
buy once cry once! and worst case just make the garage bigger ot build another one of those metal buildings in the yard

The way the garage/shop is designed, I can push out the ends to make it longer if the need arises.
do it preemptively :) soon enough it will need to be :D

A good friend of mine once said something like, "No matter how big the garage is, you'll always have at least 1 more car than it holds."
My 1 car garage holds a 1970 Mercury Cyclone that hasn't been on the road since at least 1980 (I bought it in '81), and we have 5 parked outside, including my '01 Sport Trac that died in Oct, and my '74 Ranchero that hasn't run since 2005. And we only have a 1/2 acre.

A good friend of mine once said something like, "No matter how big the garage is, you'll always have at least 1 more car than it holds."
My 1 car garage holds a 1970 Mercury Cyclone that hasn't been on the road since at least 1980 (I bought it in '81), and we have 5 parked outside, including my '01 Sport Trac that died in Oct, and my '74 Ranchero that hasn't run since 2005. And we only have a 1/2 acre.
LOL, you're right. And the garage here was built in the 20s and would fit a Model A but not my Explorer and not my neighbor's Expedition! Will fit plenty of lawnmowers and snowblowers though. You have some interesting classic cars there.

I’ve got 23 acres here 12 of it is flat but it’s mostly wetlands/grass
Been changing that have made about 1/2 acre of “junk yard”‘space
I counted 27 trucks on the property a couple of weeks ago!!
Of course I would love to have a 100’x 60’ barn for storage
It’s pretty wet up here so having some covered or indoor storage would be ideal. I’m gonna have to flip a lot of rangers to get a 100’ anything lol lol

Very nice! I really liked the '89 BII I had - except on the interstate driving into into a head/crosswind. Drunk driver in a full sized 4 door Chevy pickup with fogged over windows hit it almost head-on at 30 mph on a rain and mud slick street after a college football game. I saw the collision coming and couldn't do anything to avoid it. Almost every panel on it was bent. I picked my glasses up off the street by the passenger rear quarter. My driver's window was the only one open. The Chevy was probably totaled, too. I'd love to have another '89 or '90 BII just for my own use.

Nice 2001 Ranger, 4.0 with just 45K on the odo. . .

Bid already over $9K, not too shabby for a 22 year old truck. . .

Edit: Sold for $10,850.00

1999 Explorer 5.0L, just 53K on the odo. . .

Edit: Sold for $11,020.00

Nice BII. . .

Edit: Sold for $9,250.00

Clean and the current bid isn't too far off from the price when it was new

If you can stand the 2.3 . . . only 13,000 miles.


Edit: Sold for $16,000.00.

That's unusual. It's a base model work truck that never got driven.

I keep getting emails from BAT for 997 Porsche parts; seats, wheels, etc.

That's unusual. It's a base model work truck that never got driven.

I keep getting emails from BAT for 997 Porsche parts; seats, wheels, etc.
I knew a guy who bought an old F250 with extremely low miles. Extended bed and lift. They found paperwork for Disney World inside. The assumption was it never left the park.

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I went to an auction about a mile from my house in the mid to late '90s. The seller was downsizing, maybe preparing to move. One of the items was a Dodge(?) straight truck from the early '60s that had something like 600 miles on it. It was originally purchased by a railroad for a very specific purpose, but rarely, if ever used. The auction was at a small acreage well within the city limits, so the seller wouldn't have needed to put many miles on it. I knew the seller well enough to know he wouldn't make up a story. As I recall, it didn't get any bids.
