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2019 Ford Ranger Press Release Photos


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
069-crop_RANGER__V9I0084 (1).jpg

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I am stoked for this. Can’t wait to get one, put a new HAM radio in it and go exploring!

Dumping my Focus ST for this next year. I heard there not taking deposits till fall.

Hoping to pay cash and there is not a long wait when they come out.

I dig it. Someday I’ll be able to afford something nice..........

My dad is getting one ordered as soon as he can. If I didn't swear off domestics, and needed a V8 for towing, I may have considered this. Not a bad looking little truck.

My dad is getting one ordered as soon as he can. If I didn't swear off domestics, and needed a V8 for towing, I may have considered this. Not a bad looking little truck.

Depending on much you need to tow and how offen. This thing should do 7k lbs.

I think I could DD and use this to tow for small trips. As long as my next project is light enough.

I know better then going close to spec now from my v6 sport trac. I wont make that mistake again, especially with a 4 banger, even if it is turbo. The power has to come from somewhere and its tougher on and engine to get it from 8000 RPM than it is from CI.

My local Ford Dealer (also largest in the world) will have the new 2019 Ranger on display for a one day only special viewing this weekend. I'm planning to go check it out and will report back:salute:

So the demo they had was a super cab from Mexico modified a bit with steel bumpers and all. It was a super cab fx4 in dark grey (Graphite). Could not sit in it or anything, but it's a good looking truck. The wife even liked it. I told we could probably get 35's under it....:D. she didn't like that so much...lol:nono:

No pic, Steve??

No, it was in a box trailer with the side opened up. Nothing really different then we have all already seen. That's why I didn't bother.

But this sitting next to it was pretty cool:D


Configuration builder is up now.

Turn that into an SUV with a V8 option and.. Boom-Badda-Bing! ..you have a legitimate 2019 Ford Explorer.

How come we can't have that Ford? How come??

An electronics bare bone delete package option would be nice.. wonder if there is a fleet model?

Because very few people would buy it, unfortunately. V8's are dead. Mustang and F-Series are it. In fact I'll bet you even the v8 I will go away in the f-150 soon. Besides that can't make the mileage requirements with a V8. Only 25% of f150s sold have a V8 now. Only 52% Mustangs sell with a V8.

It's a sad reality.

Next up, bye bye internal combustion engine:(

Because very few people would buy it, unfortunately. V8's are dead. Mustang and F-Series are it. In fact I'll bet you even the v8 I will go away in the f-150 soon. Besides that can't make the mileage requirements with a V8. Only 25% of f150s sold have a V8 now. Only 52% Mustangs sell with a V8.

It's a sad reality.

Next up, bye bye internal combustion engine:(
I don’t think the internal combustion engine will be gone anytime soon. There is bound to be rampant, and more and more, hybrids coming down the pipelines before too long.


A few weeks ago I put in my order. Dealer called me yesterday, and said they're pushing it in front of all the dealer stock. Should be one of, if not the first one on the street.

2019 Ranger XLT FX4 Crew Cab

Keep us posted when you start hearing delivery dates. I’m excited about this truck!

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Depending on much you need to tow and how offen. This thing should do 7k lbs.

It has a payload capacity of 1.3t (2,800lbs) and a towing capacity of 3,500kg (7,700lbs).

Attached is the brochure for the 2018 Ranger/Raptor here in Thailand.


  • Ranger-new-final.pdf
    6.5 MB · Views: 361
