2015 Explorer Sport - upgrading Sync 2 to Sync 3 - have few ?'s | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2015 Explorer Sport - upgrading Sync 2 to Sync 3 - have few ?'s

I paid this guy 60.00, sent him my vin number and he sent the file to write to the apim, using forscan. The sync3 has more lines of code and will not work correctly without it. Otherwise, you need asbuilt file from Explorer that has same features as yours, but came with sync3.
HI Joe,

See my solutions here 2015 Explorer Sport - upgrading Sync 2 to Sync 3 - have few ?'s

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Hi Joe,
I did not yet change the USB Port but have updated the Fakra Style GPS Antenna. The USB port and GPS are giving me warnings on startup but when i acknowledge they go away. The GPS as a result works perfectly, so just need to get rid of that message. The USB however, will work with android auto (after I changed my USB settings on my phone in the developer settings) however there isn't enough juice provided to actually charge my phone.
The updated usb, takes power from the harness that you unplug from the old hub. It only uses the 12v power and ground from the harness via a pigtail. Notice in picture, only red and black are taken from harness that has like 6 wires.


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The updated usb, takes power from the harness that you unplug from the old hub. It only uses the 12v power and ground from the harness via a pigtail. Notice in picture, only red and black are taken from harness that has like 6 wires.
Yeah that's the one I ended up purchasing. I thought about it more and decided not to splice into any wires.

I know this topic is being raised from the dead by posting this, but if anyone comes along with these issues (particularly the buttons/dual zone) it may be worth noting the issue is specific to Sync 3.4 ONLY. I upgraded straight to 3.4 without trying it on prior versions. I downgraded to 3.3 via Cyanlabs since they've added that as an option more recently and all buttons/climate stuff works as expected in 3.3.
The four issues in 3.4 are:
Dual zone button indicator reversed and stops working when dual zone is actually on, have to use the physical button to turn off.
Defrost menu includes a "MAX DEEFROST" button that doesn't work.
AC menu includes heated steeringwheel where recirculate should be.
Rear HVAC control lock button status is inverted.

I suspect at some point third party modders will fix this (these issues are related to problems with the CGEA 1.2/C1MCA code, they left it in but it's not actually supported in any 3.4 vehicle so they obviously didn't do any QC testing on it), the CMAX had a similar issue with AC status being inverted and the FMODS guys fixed that already by remapping the button. Frankly if they just deleted the three buttons that don't work I'd be happy with it, the rear air button doesn't bug me but the dual one especially not working right does.

As an update - someone on fmods.net wrote a patch for the issues I mentioned if you're willing to install a jailbreak and the patches.
