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How-To: 1st Gen Ball Joints / U Joints / Spindle Bearings

It's all one piece. The little mounting plate has no threads you are correct and the sensor is attached to the little mounting plate and snuggly fits thru that hole.

Do not tap on that sensor as it is thin metal and will mushroom and get bent all out of shape and will not go out that hole. :hammer:

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It's all one piece. The little mounting plate has no threads you are correct and the sensor is attached to the little mounting plate and snuggly fits thru that hole.

Do not tap on that sensor as it is thin metal and will mushroom and get bent all out of shape and will not go out that hole. :hammer:
So i dont need to mess with the little bolt in the corner just the one on the sensor that goes through the spindle??

A picture would help but I believe you are correct. Now that you have a better understanding of it, it shouldn't take that long.

Got it all off changed both sides had to bang and chisel off the head of the bolt the first side then jut used grabber heads on the next side. Changed my inner and outer tie rods while i was down there. Next in order is coolant lines and manual hubs. Heres a question though after changing all that what the heck would cause the same wheel jiggle that blown ball joints do????

Huge thanks for this thread

Hey guys I just replaced the ball joints on my 93 explorer. When I installed the knuckle back on I did what was mentioned in the thread and started the nut on the bottom. I have torqued it to 105lbs but it hasn’t seated all the way in. What did you all do to get it in there? Do you have to hammer on it or what? Or am I doing something wrong? Thanks

Hey guys I just replaced the ball joints on my 93 explorer. When I installed the knuckle back on I did what was mentioned in the thread and started the nut on the bottom. I have torqued it to 105lbs but it hasn’t seated all the way in. What did you all do to get it in there? Do you have to hammer on it or what? Or am I doing something wrong? Thanks

If you used a Jack to put pressure on the stud, then tightened it to spec, but it won't seat, compare the new bj to the old bj. Same length? Same width? etc...

So apparently I was having a brain fart. I have no idea what I was looking at, but they are fine. The cotter pins went in and the snap ring on top. It just looked weird to me on Saturday, but maybe I was tired. Lol I went out tonight and they are fine. Thanks Gman!

Question how do you get the drive shaft to come out on the passenger side ....and since its not coming out s hi ould i jusg say screw it and leave it cuz oveasly it doa t need to be changed rigbt any help would be great thanks in advance

Question how do you get the drive shaft to come out on the passenger side ....and since its not coming out s hi ould i jusg say screw it and leave it cuz oveasly it doa t need to be changed rigbt any help would be great thanks in advance
Are you asking how to pull the front passenger side axle shaft? If so, its held in by a C-clip in the differential housing. You can remove it at the slip-yoke by cutting off the boot clamps so you don't have to remove the housing. Removing the housing is a involved process not recommended if you are trying to replace the axle shaft U-joints.

Question how do you get the drive shaft to come out on the passenger side ....and since its not coming out s hi ould i jusg say screw it and leave it cuz oveasly it doa t need to be changed rigbt any help would be great thanks in advance
u shi ould just say screw it

Pass side shaft is 2 pieces

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