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  1. X

    A Full-size X

    Well, after tossing my idea, X body swap to a Bronco frame, out there, I have been doing some research. I mentioned moving the rear axle back 4" (the fullsize bronco has a 104" wb), but I was shooting numbers off the top of my head. I was thinking the 4dr wheelbase was 108" but it is 112". An 8"...
  2. X

    Anybody used Alabama Cyl. Head?

    I am looking for a good deal on some new heads and found this; new assembled 90-93TM heads $185 ea. w/ 90 day warranty Have any of you guys done business with them and would you use them again?
  3. X

    I may have found a donor engine to hold me over

    I think I have found another first gen $400. The tranny is trashed but the engine runs fine. I think I will drop it in mine to run til I am finished rebuilding the current engine. I have been thinking about all the parts I will have left over. I will hold onto the axles for shafts and such. The...
  4. X

    Looking at My Options 2 (time for serious questions)

    Looking at My Options 2 (time for serious discussion) I have decided against the long block discussed in the last thread. I have decided to get the heads @ Then rebuild my short block. I am looking to get...
  5. X

    Looking at My Options

    Well, I have been weighing the options ahead of me. I am more than likely looking at a cracked head on my original engine (wich I had plans of rebuilding or replacing this fall). Now, I can either replace the heads now and get a short-block this fall and tear it all apart again or do it now. I...
  6. X

    leaky intake question

    Well, I had a nice little river of coolant running down the front of my engine. I checked all the usual suspects, thermostat and waterpump, no such luck. Now, I am in the middle of replacing my intake gasket. I was reading through my Hayne's manual for torque values before reinstalling the...
  7. X

    Extended beams?

    Well I have been reading alot about the D44 outers on the 35 beams. I think it is great. Now that my 85 Bronc is no longer good for anything but a bunch of parts. A nice BIG stump inflicts alot of damage when sliding down a muddy slope sideways. I figure I can part out the drivetrain as it is in...
  8. X

    Anyone running Geolander MTs

    I am looking at the Yokohama Geolander MTs 30x9.50 for my wifes 91 explorer. Has anyone out there had any experience with these?